Today I'd like to share with you a fascinating discovery that just might transform your outdoor experience. Many of us love our garden, but sometimes the unwanted presence of wasps and hornets can make our peaceful moments a little less enjoyable.
Recently, I found a product that seems to offer a more nature-friendly approach to deterring these unwanted visitors. Specially designed for keep wasps and hornets away, this product offers an ecological alternative to aggressive chemical solutions.
I'm curious about your experiences and opinions on this topic. How do you manage cohabitation with these insects while preserving the balance of your garden?
Let's share our tips and discoveries to create a harmonious and environmentally friendly garden!
Thank you !!!
Protect your garden with a nature-friendly approach
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Re: Protect your garden with a nature-friendly approach
European wasps and hornets (protected species in Germany) are insects that could not be more useful in the garden. Permethrin (insecticide) will not keep them away, it will kill them (and other insects). Talk about a “fascinating discovery” (sic)!!!
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