Biological control of Ladybugs vs mealybugs, aphids and ants from my peach that go well with 3! xp tracking

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Re: Biological control of Ladybugs vs mealybugs, aphids and ants from my peach that go well together at 3! Follow-up

View Christophe » 28/05/22, 20:09

Exni you are definitely a (dirty) jerk…
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Re: Biological control of Ladybugs vs mealybugs, aphids and ants from my peach that go well together at 3! Follow-up

View Obamot » 28/05/22, 20:26

When talking about Exni larvae immediately crawls. :P


Christophe wrote:Aye!!! The first 4 ladybugs have "hatched"...they are all excited and testing their wings! Super hard to take beautiful pictures so much they move!

E7311428-9720-4D90-8C2F-CD7A6CE5A614.jpeg (156.51 Kio) Consulté 3220 fois
611C1052-CC8A-4623-B582-C75D13FEC6C5.jpeg (456.2 Kio) Consulté 3220 fois

Released in the greenhouse scheduled for this afternoon!
Assuming there are cox predators in your area, is it better to release them in small groups or in droves?
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