Replace the wind?

Innovations, ideas or patents for sustainable development. Decrease in energy consumption, reduction of pollution, improvement of yields or processes ... Myths or reality about inventions of the past or the future: the inventions of Tesla, Newman, Perendev, Galey, Bearden, cold fusion ...
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View Former Oceano » 05/03/10, 19:51

Let's say why get complicated while we can make it simple.
Let's stop the big units and produce local!

Let's be locavores and locaénergivores!
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Zieuter but do not think less ...
Peugeot Ion (VE), KIA Optime PHEV, VAE, no electric motorcycle yet...
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View elephant » 05/03/10, 19:55

Quite ex-oceanic: goat cheese and current produced in the village :D
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elephant Supreme Honorary éconologue PCQ ..... I'm too cautious, not rich enough and too lazy to really save the CO2!
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View Bricktal » 18/03/10, 05:40

elephant wrote:highfly, I'm a little skeptical: it weighs heavy alternator and cable too!

And why should this wind turbine absolutely "wear" its alternator?

Is there no way to capture only the current that the potential difference between heaven and earth .. I do not know how much it is by square meter.

the aerial cable and the ground ... a bit like a pre-lightning cable, no?
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