1er step into the unknown, Electric Motor Differential Analysis

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Re: 1er step into the unknown, Electric Motor Analysis Diffentiel

by izentrop » 22/02/16, 15:16

Remundo wrote:they also rub at the microspopic level (Joule effect)
The joule effect concerns the electrical resistance of the conductors and depends on their quality and their section.
Engine designers must also consider magnetic circuit losses: eddy current and hysteresis and mechanical friction losses (bearings or ball bearings). In alternative, it is also necessary to count the losses due to the reactive power (power factor) which increase the losses in the supply lines.

90% efficiency is at rated power for large motors. If they are less charged, their efficiency decreases and the reactive power increases.
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Re: 1er step into the unknown, Electric Motor Analysis Diffentiel

by izentrop » 22/02/16, 15:32

Christophe wrote:Most people, me even until not long ago, confuse the starting capacitor (which has become extremely rare on small motors) and operating capacitor to simulate precisely a 2ieme phase out of phase.
Me..e! my answer has gone away ... I'm going to make it shorter.
Calculates the current that 50μF can supply to 50 hz.
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biphas%C3 ... lectriques

Ok, considering the calculator of the reel http://www.volta-electricite.info/artic ... fr&pg=2000
I think that the permanent capacitor must allow the three-phase motor to turn round at nominal power, but not to restore the power it would have three-phase.

A third less? Has the mechanical power measurement been measured?
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Re: 1er step into the unknown, Electric Motor Analysis Diffentiel

by Christophe » 22/02/16, 15:50

Uh, that is to say? The flow? Max amperage do you mean?

What is wrong?
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Re: 1er step into the unknown, Electric Motor Analysis Diffentiel

by izentrop » 22/02/16, 16:10

This arrangement makes it possible to operate a three-phase motor on a single-phase network by adding a capacitor which will create an additional phase shifted by 90 °, this assembly causes a significant drop in torque on the motor shaft (up to 20%) .
I thought weaker, since the capacitor can not discharge the normal current of a winding. I have forgotten the formulas : Oops: .
We must consider that in three-phase, we have 380 V ~ between phases and 220 V between ph / n in single phase ... We lose this difference in voltage too.

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Re: 1er step into the unknown, Electric Motor Analysis Diffentiel

by izentrop » 22/02/16, 17:47

The simplest: put a phase shift capacitor.
This is the 3th solution that will be developed on this article.

The implementation is very easy because it requires very little modification and the price of a capacitor enters a cost price more than reasonable. However, beware, some disadvantages must be taken into account:
Reduced motor power of 30%
Reduced starting torque from 50 to 100% depending on make, model, power and speed.
Above 1Kw very random editing, above 1,5Kw not recommended, above 1,8Kw not recommended.
All these reasons are very technical, it's not my purpose to do the details here, but let's say that in summary: a tri motor with fundamental mechanical differences from its mono counterpart of the same power and of the same speed.
For the power of the engine, we can often adapt to it because it is rare that it is used in maximum power, or that the manufacturer has not provided for a higher margin, otherwise it is totally impossible to do this editing.
We can not say that it turns on its 3 paws. http://www.volta-electricite.info/artic ... r&pg=10969
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Re: 1er step into the unknown, Electric Motor Analysis Diffentiel

by Forhorse » 22/02/16, 18:22

Christophe wrote:Uh not so bad that this is the case of 99% of small asynchronous motors currently sold that are powered in mono with 1 phase shifted (so a two-phase motor actually?)

Yes, but...
A single-phase motor capacitor with its windings of phase 90 ° (to simplify 2 coils placed perpendicular) and saw that shifts the phase capacitor current 90 ° (well ... a perfect capacitor) that's good.

A three-phase motor is three coils placed 120 ° ... disregarding the fact that it takes 3 phases if thou feeds one with a phase current of 90 ° it turns ... but a little worse (even if without doing measurements it's hard to really realize it)

In short, all that to say that between a single-phase and three-phase asynchronous motor, the difference is not only at the level of the capacitor what.
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Re: 1er step into the unknown, Electric Motor Analysis Diffentiel

by Remundo » 22/02/16, 18:52

there is indeed a trick to run a three-phase motor from a single-phase power supply.
https://sites.google.com/site/rebobinag ... ri-en-mono

But also: http://www.volta-electricite.info/artic ... r&pg=10969
the idea is to make an 2th phase shifted temporally with respect to the first one.

It is a degraded operation; the engine does not run at normal power, and sometimes can not start because of a low starting torque (it must be thrown by hand) ..

To make a perfect rotating magnetic field, there are 2 solutions
- 2 phases offset by 90 ° supplying 2 pairs of "square" coils
- 3 phases offset by 120 ° feeding 3 pairs of coils in "hexagon": it is better.
with a neutral ... of course.
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Re: 1er step into the unknown, Electric Motor Analysis Diffentiel

by hic » 28/02/16, 23:23

Hic wrote:Hi everybody

An electric 1Kw electric motor produces 1Kw mechanical
via a total power of magnetic 1Kw,
which does not allow "magnetic against magnetic reaction" feedback,

This demonstration demonstrates the validity of the unified field theory see more.

If the feedback is no longer in the "magnetic against magnetic feedback" domain, since an electric motor turns like a top without feedback,
we change the domain is we get into that of relativity or the counter-reaction is a transfer

which is close to the unified field theory
Exceeding General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory.
*** http://www-cosmosaf.iap.fr/Maulion%20D% ... %20TQC.htm ***

Quantum relativistic mechanics and quantum field theory
*** http://feynman.phy.ulaval.ca/marleau/pp ... icules.htm ***

Solution to Unified Field Theory
*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zLmM2AHXWI ***

We could therefore qualify a standard electric motor as "superunitary processes".

Hi everybody

A specialist's opinion "The Flying Dutchman"

"" Electromagnetism is closely related to relativistic theory, and you are doing relativity every time you use your induction hobs, operate an electric drill, microwave oven, or washing machine. laundry, or even that you put a pair of headphones on your head. ""
*** http://couleur-science.eu/?d=2014/03/20 ... restreinte ***

Which perfectly fits my point of view 8)

and who demonize those responsible for forum : Twisted:

from now on you will not say anymore
"" I have an electric drill,
but, I have a relativistic drill ""

alias pub EDF (no it's not an electric drill, but a nuclear drill)

Thank you for your attention : Mrgreen:
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Re: 1er step into the unknown, Electric Motor Analysis Diffentiel

by izentrop » 29/02/16, 01:09

Not very clear the student and he did not even take the time to correct his mistakes.

This one is clearer http://www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/ ... netiques/#

Your conclusion is unrelated to your quote Hic!
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Re: 1er step into the unknown, Electric Motor Analysis Diffentiel

by hic » 29/02/16, 07:53

izentrop wrote:Not very clear the student and he did not even take the time to correct his mistakes.

This one is clearer http://www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/ ... netiques/#

Your conclusion is unrelated to your quote Hic!

Its channel is inaccessible to most students. : Shock:

This is the kind of student who passes his tray before 18ans,

he is a student bac + 9, and at the worst bac + 7 he is not a student

15 years of Pokemon it is cool

this gentleman tells you that an electric motor is relativistic,

then you listen to it and stop taking it for a con

too easy!

I say that an electric motor is relativistic and I demonstrate it with the method of an energetic assessment

but you do not understand it

My conclusion is bold
Last edited by hic the 29 / 02 / 16, 08: 17, 1 edited once.
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"Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food" Hippocrates
"Everything has a price has no value" Nietzche
Torture for Dummies
Forbid to express the idea that the field is acceleration (magnetic and gravitational)
And you get your patent mental torture option executioner successfully

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