Hic wrote:Hi everybody
An electric 1Kw electric motor produces 1Kw mechanical
via a total power of magnetic 1Kw,
which does not allow "magnetic against magnetic reaction" feedback,
This demonstration demonstrates the validity of the unified field theory see more.
If the feedback is no longer in the "magnetic against magnetic feedback" domain, since an electric motor turns like a top without feedback,
we change the domain is we get into that of relativity or the counter-reaction is a transfer
which is close to the unified field theory
Exceeding General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory.
http://www-cosmosaf.iap.fr/Maulion%20D% ... %20TQC.htm ***
Quantum relativistic mechanics and quantum field theory
http://feynman.phy.ulaval.ca/marleau/pp ... icules.htm ***
Solution to Unified Field Theory
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zLmM2AHXWI ***
We could therefore qualify a standard electric motor as "superunitary processes".
Hi everybody
A specialist's opinion "The Flying Dutchman"
"" Electromagnetism is closely related to relativistic theory, and you are doing relativity every time you use your induction hobs, operate an electric drill, microwave oven, or washing machine. laundry, or even that you put a pair of headphones on your head. ""
http://couleur-science.eu/?d=2014/03/20 ... restreinte ***
Which perfectly fits my point of view
and who demonize those responsible for forum
from now on you will not say anymore
"" I have an electric drill,
but, I have a relativistic drill ""
alias pub EDF (no it's not an electric drill, but a nuclear drill)
Thank you for your attention