Question wrote:I work on the pantone motor installed on the tractors. One can see on the internet that people who install a pantone motor on tractors guarantees 20 to 30% fuel economy.
However, last year the school had mounted a pantone motor on a tractor and after passing test, there was no difference in consumption. I read on your site that you had the same experience.
So I would like to understand why it does not work on tractors?
My answer wrote:On the contrary, it works better on tractors than cars.
If it works on tractors in real conditions ... but that does not work on the test bench.
What does it mean? Simply that the test bench method is unreliable ... and yes, a test bench does NOT reproduce the actual conditions.
A bench test = fixed and constant speed is not the actual conditions of use. In labor, the load varies in permanence! Tractor benches do not allow dynamic tests.
Engineers should review their methodology ...
The reflection remains obviously open ...
Here are 3 tests done by professionals: