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Frequently Asked Questions
Login and Registration Issues
- Why do I need to register?
- You are not obliged to do so, but the administrator of the forum may limit the posting of messages to registered users. By signing up, you can also gain access to additional features that are not available to visitors, such as displaying custom avatars, using private messaging, sending e-mail to other users. membership in a group of users, etc. Registration only takes a short time, so we recommend doing so.
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- What is COPPA?
- The Child Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA) is a law in the United States of America that requires websites that potentially collect information about minors under the age of 13 with the written consent of the parents or legal guardians of the minors involved. . If you do not know if this law also applies to minors under the age of 13 registered on your forumwe advise you to contact a legal adviser who can inform you. Please note that phpBB Limited and the owners of this forum can not provide you with legal assistance and should not be contacted about this, except when the assistance relates to the question "Who should I contact about abuse issues or legal orders related to this matter?" forum ? ".
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- Why can not I register?
- It is possible that a director of forum has disabled registrations to prevent new visitors from signing up. Similarly, it is also possible for a director of the forum has banned your IP address or prohibited the use of the username you wish to use. For more information, please contact an administrator of the forum.
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- I registered but I can not login!
- First, make sure your username and password are correct. If COPPA support is enabled and you have specified that you have below 13 years during registration, you will need to follow the instructions you have received. Some forums will also require that new registrations must be activated, either by you or by an administrator, before you can log in; this information was present when you registered. If you received an email, see the instructions. If you are not receiving an email, you probably specified the wrong email address, or the email was filtered as spam. If you are sure that the email address you specified was correct, try contacting an administrator of the forum.
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- Why can not I log in?
- Several reasons may be the cause. Make sure that your username and password are correct. If this is the case, contact an administrator of the forum to make sure you have not been banned. It is also possible that the owner of the website has a configuration problem and it is necessary to correct it.
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- I had already registered in the past but can now log in anymore!
- An administrator may have disabled or deleted your account for any reason. In addition, many forums periodically delete inactive users to reduce the size of their database. If this is the case, register again and try to participate more actively in the discussions of the forum.
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- I've lost my password !
- Do not panic ! While your password can not be retrieved, it can easily be reset. Visit the login page and click I've lost my password. Follow the instructions and you should be able to log in again quickly.
However, if you can not reset your password, we invite you to contact an administrator of the forum.
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- Why am I automatically disconnected?
- If you do not check the box Remember me when you connect to forumyou will only stay logged in for a predefined period. This prevents your account from being used by someone else. To stay connected, please check the box Remember me when you connect to forum. This is not recommended if you access forum from a public computer, such as a bookstore, cybercafe, university, etc. If you can not find this checkbox, it is likely that an administrator of the forum has disabled this feature.
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- What is the purpose of "Delete all cookies from forum »?
- This option allows you to erase all phpBB 3.1 generated cookies that retain your authentication and connection to the forum. Cookies also allow the status of messages to be recorded (if read or unread) if this feature has been activated by an administrator of the forum. If you experience recurring problems connecting and disconnecting from forum, try to delete cookies.
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User Preferences and settings
- How do I change my settings?
- If you are a registered user, all your settings are stored in the database of the forum. You can edit them from the user control panel. The link to it is usually by clicking on your username at the top of the pages of the site. forum. This system will allow you to change all your settings and preferences.
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- How can I hide my username from the list of users online?
- In the user control panel, under the "Preferences of the forum You will find the option Hide my online status. If you select this option, you will be viewed by administrators, moderators and yourself. You will then be recorded (e) as a hidden user.
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- The time is not correct !
- It is possible that the time displayed is from a different time zone to yours. If that were the case, go to the User Control Panel and set the time zone to match your particular area, eg London, Paris, New York, Sydney, etc. Please note that setting the time zone, like most other settings, is only accessible to registered users. If you are not registered, this is the perfect opportunity to do so.
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- I have set the timezone and the time is still wrong!
- If you are sure (e) to have correctly set the time zone, but the time is still not correct, it is likely that the server clock is incorrect. Please contact an administrator to communicate the problem.
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- My language is not in the list!
- Either the administrator did not install your language on the forumor the software has not been translated into your language yet. Try to ask an administrator of the forum if it is possible that he can install the translation you want. If the desired translation does not exist, you are free to volunteer and start a new translation. For more information, please visit the website of phpBB® (in English).
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- What do the pictures located next to my username?
- Two images may appear next to your username when viewing a topic. One of them may be an image associated with your rank, usually represented by stars, squares or circles. It allows to indicate your activity according to the number of messages which you published, or makes it possible to differentiate your particular status on the forum. The other image, usually larger, is an image known as an avatar that is often unique and personal to each user.
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- How can I display an avatar?
- In the user control panel, under the "Profile", you can add an avatar using one of the following four methods: Gravatar service, avatar gallery, remote images, or local image transfer. The administrator of forum can choose whether or not to enable the functionality of avatars and methods that he wants to make available to users. If you can not use avatars, we invite you to contact an administrator of the forum.
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- What is my rank and how do I change it?
- Rows, which appear below your username, show your activity based on the number of posts you have posted or identify specific users, such as administrators and moderators. In most cases, only an administrator of the forum can change the text of the ranks of the forum. Please do not abuse this system by posting unnecessary messages to increase your rank on the forum. A lot of forums will not tolerate this process and an administrator or moderator may sanction you by lowering your message count.
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- Why is asking me to connect when I click the email link for a user?
- If the administrator has enabled this feature, only the registered users can send e-mails to other users from a dedicated form. This is to prevent misuse of the mail system by malicious users or robots.
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publishing issues
- How do I post a new topic or reply?
- To publish a new topic in a forum, click on the "New subject" button. To post a reply to a topic or message, click the "Reply" button. You may need to be registered before you can write a message. On each forum, a list of your permissions is displayed at the bottom of the screen of the forum or subject. For example: you can publish new topics in this forum, you can transfer attachments in this forum, etc.
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- How do I edit or delete a message?
- Unless you are a director or moderator of the forum, you can only edit or delete your own messages. You can edit one of your messages by clicking the appropriate button, sometimes within a time limit after the original message has been posted. If someone has already responded to your message, a small text below the message will show the number of times you have edited it, including the date and time of the edit. This small text will not appear if it is an editing done by a moderator or an administrator, although they can write a discreet reason concerning their edition. Please note that normal users can not delete their own message if an answer has been posted.
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- How can I add a signature to my post?
- To add a signature to your messages, you must first create a user from the control panel. Once created, you can check the box Insert a signature since the posting form to add your signature. You can also add a signature that will be inserted in all your posts by checking the appropriate box in the user control panel. If you choose the latter option, it will be more useful to specify on each message you wish to insert your signature.
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- How do I create a poll?
- When posting a new topic or editing the first post of a topic, click on the tab "Create survey" located below the main posting form. If this tab is not available, it is likely that you do not have permission to create polls. Enter the title of the survey by including at least two options in the appropriate fields, each option to be inserted on a new line. You can set the number of options that users can insert modifying, during the vote, the number of "Options per user". You can also specify a time limit in days and allow or not allow users to change their votes.
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- Why can not I add more poll options?
- The limit of options of a survey is decided by the administrator of the forum. If the number of options you can add to a survey seems too small, try asking a forum if it is possible to increase it.
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- How do I edit or delete a poll?
- As with posts, polls can only be edited by their author, moderators and administrators. To edit a poll, simply edit the first post of the topic because the survey is necessarily associated with it. If no one has voted, you can delete the poll or edit options. However, if votes were cast, only moderators or administrators can edit or delete it. This prevents to change the options of a poll in progress.
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- Why can not I access a forum ?
- Some forums can be restricted to certain users or user groups. To view, write, publish or perform any other action, you need the appropriate permissions. Try to contact a moderator or administrator of the forum to ask for access.
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- Why can not I upload attachments?
- Permissions to transfer attachments are granted by forum, by group or by user. The administrator of forum may not have authorized the transfer of attachments in the forum concerned, or only certain groups of users hold this authorization. For more information, please contact an administrator of the forum.
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- Why did I receive a warning?
- Each forum has its own set of rules. If you do not follow one of these rules, you will receive a warning. Please note that this decision belongs only to the administrator of the forum concerned, phpBB Limited is in no way responsible for what is applied or not. For more information, please contact an administrator of the forum.
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- How can I report posts to a moderator?
- If the administrator of forum enabled this feature, a dedicated button should be displayed next to the message you want to report. By clicking on it, you will find all the necessary steps to report the message.
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- What does the button "Save as Draft" displayed when writing a subject?
- It lets you save as drafts messages you want to finalize and publish later. You can resume the messages saved as drafts from the user control panel.
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- Why does my post-it needs to be approved?
- The administrator of forum may decide to subject to checks the messages you write on the forum. It is also possible that the administrator has placed you in a restricted user group if the latter deems it necessary. For more information, please contact an administrator of the forum.
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- How do I bump my topic?
- By clicking on the "Go Back Topic" link when you are looking at a topic, you can go back to the top of the topic list on the first page of the forum. However, if you do not see this link, this feature may have been disabled or the wait time between resets may not have been reached yet. It is also possible to trace the subject simply by answering it, but make sure you do it while respecting the rules of the forum.
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Formatting and Topic Types
- What is BBCode?
- BBCode is a special implementation of HTML code, giving you greater control over the formatting of a message. The use of BBCode is determined by the administrator but you can also deactivate it on each message from the editorial form. BBCode is similar to the architecture of HTML code, tags are enclosed in square brackets [and] instead of <and>. For more information about BBCode, please consult the guide which is accessible from the editorial page.
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- Can I insert HTML code?
- No, it is not possible to insert HTML code on this forum. Most of the formatting that can be done with HTML can be replaced by BBCode.
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- What are emoticons ?
- Emoticons are small images that can be used with short code and express feelings. For example, ":)" expresses joy, while on the contrary, ":(" expresses sadness.You can view the complete list of emoticons from the writing form, but try not to overuse emoticons, they can quickly make a message unreadable and a moderator might decide to edit or delete it completely. forum can also limit the number of emoticons that can be inserted into a message.
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- Can I insert images?
- Yes, you can insert images to your messages. If the administrator of forum authorized the insertion of attachments, you will be able to transfer images on the forum. Otherwise, you will need to insert a link pointing to a remote image, hosted on a public Internet server, such as http://www.example.com/my-image.gif. However, you will not be able to insert a link pointing to images on your own computer (unless, of course, it is itself an Internet server), or insert a link pointing to images hosted behind any authentication system, such as e-mail services from Outlook or Yahoo, password-protected sites, and so on. To insert an image, use the BBCode [img] tag.
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- What are global announcements?
- General announcements contain very important information that you should consult first. They appear at the top of each forum and in the control panel of the user. The permissions for general announcements are set by the administrator of the forum.
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- What are announcements ?
- Ads often contain important information about the forum in which you are browsing and you should consult them first. Ads appear at the top of every page of the forum in which they were published. Like general ads, ad permissions are set by the administrator of the forum.
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- What are the notes ?
- The notes appear below the ads and only on the first page of the forum concerned. They are often quite important and it is recommended to consult them as soon as you have the possibility. Similar to announcements and general announcements, note permissions are set by the administrator of the forum.
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- What are locked topics ?
- Locked topics are topics in which users can no longer answer and polls are automatically expired. Topics can be locked for many reasons by an administrator or moderator forum. You can also lock your own topics if the administrator has so decided.
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- What are topic icons ?
- Topic icons are small images that the author can insert to illustrate the content of his subject. The administrator of forum may have disabled this feature.
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User Levels and Groups
- What are Administrators?
- Administrators are the members with the highest level of control over the forum. These users can control all the operations of the forumsuch as setting permissions, banning users, creating user groups or moderators, and so on. They may also be empowered to moderate all forums. All this depends on the settings made by the founder of the forum.
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- What are Moderators ?
- Moderators are individual users (or groups of individual users) who regularly monitor forums. They have the possibility to edit or delete topics, lock them, unlock them, move them, merge them and divide them in the forum that they moderate. As a general rule, moderators are present for users to respect the rules imposed on the forum.
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- What are User Groups?
- User groups are one way for administrators to forum to group multiple users. Each user can belong to more than one group and each group can have individual permissions. This makes it easier for administrators to modify the permissions of multiple users at one time, or grant them moderation powers, or give them access to a password. forum private.
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- Where are the usergroups and how do I join one?
- You can view all user groups by clicking on the link "User Groups" from the user control panel. If you want to join one, click the appropriate button. However, all user groups are not open to new members. Some may require approval, others may be limited and some may even be invisible. If the group is open, you can join it by clicking on the dedicated button. If it requires approval, also click the appropriate button. The head of the user group will have to approve your request and may ask you the reason for your request. Thank you not harass a group leader if they reject your request.
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- How can I become responsible for a group of users?
- The head of a user group is usually assigned when the user groups are initially created by a user's administrator. forum. If you are interested in creating a user group, your first contact should be an administrator. Try to contact him by sending him a private message.
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- Why do some usergroups appear in a different color?
- The administrators of forum can assign a color to the members of a user group to facilitate their identification.
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- What is a "default user group"?
- If you are a member of more than one user group, your default user group is used to determine the color and rank that will be assigned to you by default. The administrator of forum may give you permission to modify your default user group yourself from the user control panel.
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- What is the link "Team"?
- This page lists the members of the team of the forum what are administrators and moderators, in addition to some additional information such as forums that they moderate.
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private messaging
- I can not send private messages !
- Either you are not registered and logged in, or an administrator has completely disabled private messaging on the forumeither an administrator or moderator has decided to prevent you from sending private messages. For more information, please contact an administrator of the forum.
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- I keep getting unwanted private messages!
- You can automatically delete private messages from a user using the rules of messages from the user control panel. If you receive private messages abused by another user, return these messages to moderators. They can prevent a user from sending private messages.
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- I received an unwanted email from someone on this forum !
- We are sorry. The e-mail form for this forum has protections that try to find the users sending such messages. You should e-mail a complete copy of the e-mail you received to an administrator of the forum. It is very important to include headers with information about the author of the email. He will be able to act accordingly.
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Friends and foes
- What is my list of friends and foes?
- You can use these lists to organize and sort certain users of the forum. Members added to your friend list will be listed in the user's control panel to quickly view their online status and send them private messages. Depending on the style used, messages posted by these users may be highlighted. If you add a user to your ignore list, any messages they post will be hidden by default.
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- How do I add or remove users to my list of friends and foes?
- Within each user's profile, a link allows you to add them to your Friends list or ignored. Similarly, you can directly add users from the user control panel by entering their username. You can also remove them from your list using the same page.
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Search in forums
- How can I search in one or more forums ?
- Enter a term in the search box located on the index, the pages of the forums or topic pages. Advanced search is accessible by clicking on the "Advanced search" link available on all pages of the forum. Access to the search depends on the style used.
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- Why does my search return no results ?
- Your search was probably too vague and included many common terms which are not indexed by phpBB. Try to be more specific and use different filters available in the advanced search.
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- Why does my search return a blank page!
- Your search returned too many results for the server to display. Use advanced search and try to be more specific in the terms used and in the selection of forums in which you want to search.
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- How do I search for members?
- Go to the "Members" page and click the link "Find a member".
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- How can I find my own posts and topics?
- Your own messages can be displayed either by clicking on the "View your messages" link in the user's control panel, or by clicking on the "Search user messages" link on your own profile page or either by clicking on the "Shortcuts" menu located on the upper part of the forum. To search for your own topics, use advanced search and properly fill in the options available to you.
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Favorites and subscriptions
- What is the difference between bookmarking and subscriptions?
- In phpBB 3.0, adding a topic to favorites was similar to the feature in your web browser. You did not receive notifications when updating a topic added to Favorites. In phpBB 3.1, favorites are more similar to subscriptions. You can now receive a notification when a topic added to Favorites receives an update. The subscription, meanwhile, will warn you of the update of a forum or a subject to which you subscribe. The notification options for favorites and subscriptions can be changed from the user's control panel, under the "Preferences of forum ».
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- How can I add to your favorites or to subscribe to a specific topic?
- You can add to your favorites or subscribe to a specific by clicking on the appropriate link in the menu topic "Thread Tools" at the top and bottom of topics and sometimes illustrated by a picture.
Answering a subject while checking the "Receive notification when a reply has published" is equivalent to subscribe to it.
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- How can I subscribe to a forum specific?
- You can subscribe to a forum by clicking on the link "Subscribe to forum At the bottom of the page of the forum you are interested in.
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- How can I cancel my subscription?
- To cancel your subscription, visit the User Control Panel and follow the links to your subscriptions.
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- What attachments are allowed on this forum ?
- Each director of the forum may allow or prohibit certain types of attachments. If you are not sure what is allowed or not, we invite you to contact an administrator of the forum.
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- How do I find all my attachments?
- To find your list of attachments that you have uploaded, go to the User Control Panel and follow the links to the attachments section.
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About phpBB
- Who developed this software forum Discussions?
- This software (in its unmodified form) is produced and distributed by phpBB LimitedWho is the rightful owner. It is made available under the GNU General Public License Version 2 (LPG-2.0) and can be freely distributed. For more information, please see About phpBB the official site (in English).
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- Why X feature is not available?
- This program was developed by and licensed through phpBB Limited. If you want to propose the integration of a new feature, please visit the phpBB Ideas Centre the official site (in English) where you can vote on ideas submitted by other users and suggest your own.
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- Who should I contact about abuse issues or legal orders related to this forum ?
- All administrators listed on the "The team" page should be an appropriate contact on these issues. If you get no response from them, then you should contact the owner of the domain (do a WHOIS query) Or, if it works on a free service (eg Yahoo, Free, etc.), abuse management service. Please note that phpBB Limited has absolutely no jurisdiction and can in no way be held responsible for how, where and by whom forum is used. Do not contact phpBB Limited for any legal problem (incessant, insulting, defamatory comment, etc.) that is not for the transition of connected with the website or phpBB.com the phpBB software itself. If you send an e-mail phpBB Limited about a third party use this software then you should expect a terse response or not to receive a reply.
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- How can I contact an administrator of the forum ?
- All users of the forum can use the form available on the "Contact Us" link if this feature has been activated by the administrator of the forum.
Members of forum can also use the link "The team".
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