Thank you for the details.
As you say, usage will say, at the ridiculous price it will have cost, I don't mind having to reinvest in another inverter.
Regarding the very instructive observations of chatelot, I obviously keep them by the elbow ....
chatelot16 wrote:I bought one of these wind turbine: the alternator is very good: the voltage of 96V is interresting to not need jumbo cable like 24V
helix: I do not like ... I do not like fixed steps, but it's not a criticism for the seller: the announcement was clear ... the purpose of this purchase is to put point a variable pitch propeller
inverter: this is an old transistor bridge design powered by the 96V battery that powers a big transformer 50Hz the problem is a significant power loss even at empty or low power
the modern inverter are made with decoupage power whose losses are proportional to the power transmitted: therefore good performance even at low power
conclusion this inverter will serve as backup power for an industrial machine, but is not a good plan for autonomous power wind turbine battery: this inverter already has the switching function as a computer inverter
also it is not a critic for the seller: he sells this material at low enough price for it to be a good deal without hiding that it is an old kit, made with elements not necessarily well suited between them
This is where I am listed as a wind turbine, for permaculture, the greenhouse and fruit hedges,
[Flytox Moderation]
Regarding the connection part, I wisely wait for the protective gloves before touching the batteries as advised by Forhorse from memory.
I try to complete its connection diagram as soon as possible and send you the photos of the cabinet once all this is connected.
Forhorse I do not forget this neutral diet story ....