Wind study

Renewable energies except solar electric or thermal (seeforums dedicated below): wind turbines, energy from the sea, hydraulic and hydroelectricity, biomass, biogas, deep geothermal energy ...
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Re: Wind study

View Grelinette » 04/01/19, 00:23

Knowing if an area is suitable for wind turbines and where and at what height to put the wind turbine is an interesting question, even if it can change over time (seasons, climate change, ...). Besides, anyone who has a wind project.

A simple and inexpensive method that comes to mind, if you do not have data: windsurf masts (6m, see more if you nest them, simply surveyed in a stake planted in the ground), you fix at the top of the masts a small simple homemade wind turbine (by recovering propellers from HS fans), with a small low-end bike computer (10 €), and you note the results every week: number of turns, speed average, max speed, ... It's simple, didactic, fun to do, and in addition to can easily move the masts to test several places .... Okay ... it's a bit Mac-Gaver this method, but it seems concrete and not too expensive. The anemometer is more professional but it is more expensive.
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