Wood Energy Market Study

Renewable energies except solar electric or thermal (seeforums dedicated below): wind turbines, energy from the sea, hydraulic and hydroelectricity, biomass, biogas, deep geothermal energy ...
I discovered econologic
I discovered econologic
posts: 2
Registration: 11/04/09, 18:31

Wood Energy Market Study

View fredetsabie » 11/04/09, 18:37

I am in the middle of a business of transformation and sale of firewood, and your opinion will not interest.
You can copy / paste the link below, which is simply a market study that will allow me to negotiate my loans.
Thank you in advance.
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Korben Dallas
I understand econologic
I understand econologic
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View Korben Dallas » 12/04/09, 17:09


I completed this questionnaire, but here are a few remarks:
- The "heating only" budget is not easy to assess for many households. Very often, the energy used is not only used for heating (for example for cooking, heating domestic hot water). In my opinion, the data collected will therefore be incorrect.
- I don't see what commercial offers ABC energies could offer me, having no precise idea of ​​what this company is selling. I therefore answered negatively to the question 'would you like to receive a commercial offer from ABC Energy'.
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I discovered econologic
I discovered econologic
posts: 2
Registration: 11/04/09, 18:31

View fredetsabie » 13/04/09, 08:45


I take note of your remarks.
The company is being created and will have as main activity the marketing of wood energy.

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