Monitoring of energy consumption in your home

Oil, gas, coal, nuclear (PWR, EPR, hot fusion, ITER), gas and coal thermal power plants, cogeneration, tri-generation. Peakoil, depletion, economics, technologies and geopolitical strategies. Prices, pollution, economic and social costs ...
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Registration: 16/11/12, 22:17

Monitoring of energy consumption in your home

by LJ01 » 16/11/12, 23:11

with the site you will be able to monitor your annual energy consumption in your home and assess the main indicators, tonne of Co2, climate label, installed power by volume, etc.
you can also edit your summary sheet in pdf.

Good use and above all participate in forum to develop this site. also use the mdp 'test' login to test the site ...

an option is possible to manage several buildings and make an energy report, the few receipts are intended for a Carbon project in Niger

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