Fuel prices at the pump and oil, where is the bug?

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Fuel prices at the pump and oil, where is the bug?

View Christophe » 31/03/08, 11:11

Mailing of the day not very econological (a fuel is expensive, logically good for econology but here I seriously start to doubt ...) but that makes you think ....

But the reality is much worse since in 1998 the barrel was around 20 € (12 $ per barrel and 1 $ strong at almost 1.5 € / $), does anyone remember the price of fuels in 1998? !

More: the true price of oil

Attention is pipo because in 2000 the barrel was not worth 60 $ in 2000 but 28,5 $ see:

http://www.industrie.gouv.fr/energie/pe ... _brent.htm

Minute of reflection:

For all 'milk cows from Belgium, France' but also from all over Europe.

1 ° a little history: In the year of thanks 2000 after JC
we had 1 Dollar at 1.2 Euros and 1 Barrel of Oil at 60 Dollars
the barrel of crude from 2000 to 72 Euros
and we paid 0,82 Euro / liter of diesel or 130 € incl. tax per "barrel" of diesel

2 ° of our days to the mid-March 2008 after JC (still again):

We have 1 Dollar at 0.65 Euro and 1 Oil barrel that has exploded lately at over 110 Dollars.
the barrel of the gross of March 2008 to 70,1 Euros (Oops ?? !!)
and we pay 1.25 Euros / liter of diesel .... or 199 € incl. tax per "barrel" of diesel

And there, very dear 'Cows to milk'
We ask ourselves the following question:

If the barrel is cheaper for us in Europe than 2000 ....
Why is diesel minimum 50% more expensive than 2000 ??

There are some who must firmly fill their pockets !!

So dear 'Cows to Milk' continue to work wisely and close your eyes, but the day will come when the dollar will go up and there I do not even tell you!

Forward to as many people as possible
everyone must know and understand it.

We are 'cows to milk' but we are not con !!!!!!

More: the true price of oil

To broadcast ... it will change ecopipo mailing we receive ... : Mrgreen:
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View Remundo » 31/03/08, 11:58

Very good remarks indeed.

To this 3 main reasons:

1. Devaluation of $ more than offset rising oil indexed in $

2. States are gorging on TIPP and other VAT. They are full of pockets, well punctured by the deficits that continue to increase despite this fiscal flush (I am speaking in particular of France)

3. For a long time now, states have had a very favorable taxation of diesel fuel, which has led to a excessive dieselisation of the park, especially with the explosion of truck transport and the decisive German innovations in high-pressure diesel injection for passenger cars.

This Dieselization far exceeds the production capacity of refineries which, on the other hand, produce a lot of gasoline ... So much so that we export our gasoline at low cost (low $ obligatory) to the Americans and we buy from them dearly. ($ low, ditto!) their excess "oil" (and yes, in the USA, we drive in V8 gasoline ... not in TDi).

All conditions are thus met for there to be extreme tensions on the price of diesel.

In short, we are still in Europe the kings of the c .. (France in mind) and the Americans lead us by the nose in all areas.

Last remark; in the near future, (a few tens of months), this suggests the folly of fuel prices as soon as the $ will recover if only at the Euros / Dollar parity

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View Chatham » 31/03/08, 12:16

Remundo wrote: the decisive German innovations in high-pressure diesel injection for passenger cars.

Error: high pressure diesel is an invention of ... FIAT!
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View Christophe » 31/03/08, 12:17

Certain catam invented by Fiat but mastered by Bosch ... but that does not change anything about the initial subject ... where is the bug of the price of fuels?
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View Remundo » 31/03/08, 12:23

Yes, I know Chatam ... :P The idea is Fiat, the development and industrialization is German : Cheesy: . And as far as I know, the pump injector, the high-pressure pumps, it's not too much Fiat that makes them ... It's rather he who buys them dearly to Bosch and Siemens VDO ... like all the manufacturers German ...

That's the difference between Latin and Germanic ... And as soon as the Deutsch are also getting ideas ... then we are grilled :D

Christophe, "where's the bug?" What do you think of my little mumble?
: Idea:

Chatham wrote:
Remundo wrote: the decisive German innovations in high-pressure diesel injection for passenger cars.

Error: high pressure diesel is an invention of ... FIAT!
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View Christophe » 31/03/08, 12:31

Remundo wrote:Christophe, "where's the bug?" What do you think of my little mumble? : Idea:

Ben except your "interesting" conclusion that only confirms the subject of the subject ...

When one says that one lives in feudalized states with the oil it is really not for nothing ... apparently it does not disturb more than that the general public ...

Not much less than the "ecologists" ...
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View Hydraxon » 31/03/08, 12:58

Whether to favor diesel versus gasoline is a political choice, that's all.

Uh, oil had its price multiplied by more 4 since 2000, the euro remained between 0,70 and 1,6 $, so that is not enough to compensate.
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View Christophe » 31/03/08, 13:02

Not enough ... and if you go back to 1998 is even worse since the barrel was 12 $ ...

The delta is not going which in the pocket of the tankers ... After our politicans dare to speak of rising purchasing power? But do not forget either that the TIPP / TIC represents only 15% of the VAT entries ...
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View I Citro » 31/03/08, 13:39

: Arrow: I do not agree with your economic analysis, although the topic is accurate.

Remundo wrote:For a long time now, states have had a very favorable taxation of diesel fuel, which has led to a excessive dieselisation of the park, especially with the explosion of truck transport and the decisive German innovations in high-pressure diesel injection for passenger cars.

This dieselization far exceeds the production capacity of refineries that produce a lot of gasoline ... So that we export cheap (low $ requires)
If the $ is low we export expensive so we are not very attractive to the US but as we export duty free ...
Remundo wrote: ... our essence in the Ricans and that we buy them dear (low $, ditto!)
Same error, the $ being low we buy them "cheap"
Remundo wrote:... their excess "oil" (and yes, in the USA, we drive in V8 gasoline ... not in TDi).

All conditions are thus met for there to be extreme tensions on the price of diesel.

In short, we are still in Europe the kings of the c .. (France in mind) and the Americans lead us by the nose in all areas.

Last remark; in the near future, (a few tens of months), this suggests the folly of fuel prices as soon as the $ will recover if only at the Euros / Dollar parity


I don't think the dollar will recover anytime soon, the experts' target is $ 2 to € 1 before the end of 2008. Gold prices follow the opposite slope and soar.

The American economic crack that no one wants to call so smiles for more than 10 years. If the rest of the planet, including Europe, is trying to minimize it, it's not to trigger a major crisis that 1929's crack was a neighborhood grocer's failure ... : Shock:
The USA are in BANQUEROUTE ... and continue to rotate the printing press which does not risk to raise the price of the greenback ...
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View Christophe » 31/03/08, 14:00

Pout Citrus that's what we like to hear .... except that we do not forget that the world economics is virtual ...

In economics, what matters are consumer behavior ... in short, all of us. In other words: it is the consumer who makes the economy (and therefore the crisis or the growth) and not the opposite mess! Obviously it is the opposite that we tend to believe (thank you media).

It is also the consumer who sets prices even if he does not know: a price too expensive that is not bought will inevitably be sooner or later revised downward ....
There may be just oil that avoids this rule precisely ... the exception that confirms as they say ...

Pkoi a farmer at the bottom of Brittany would be forced to sell at prices set by goldenboy a purse at the other end of the ocean or elsewhere ??? Ditto for the buyer ???

Pkoi raw material prices do not take into account the distance between producer and buyer?

This is all this ... So yes the extreme capitalist system is drying up and will die sooner or later but that does not mean the end of the world nor necessarily a big crisis ... And I say: so much the better that he is creating and the faster will be the better ...

So we are not going to let the world be "fucked" a second time by 2 or 5 bankers who alone decide the fate of the economic planet ... NO BUT !!! : Evil: : Mrgreen: : Evil: : Mrgreen:
Last edited by Christophe the 01 / 04 / 08, 10: 08, 1 edited once.
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