EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View Petrus » 12/04/24, 22:45

I find this quite coherent, given that apparently the aim of the project is to cost taxpayers as much money as possible, it is normal that the path of maximum waste is chosen.
The analogy may be simplistic, but I have the impression that the French engineering elite set out to build a single-cylinder sports car. Obviously it doesn't work, but as long as there are pigeons to finance their fad, it continues.
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 12/04/24, 23:05

Petrus wrote:Obviously it doesn't work, but as long as there are pigeons to finance their fad, it continues.

The plucked pigeons or shorn sheep are taken at the source.
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View A.D. 44 » 13/04/24, 06:45

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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View Remundo » 13/04/24, 08:29

it's EPR (even more delay)
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View A.D. 44 » 22/04/24, 21:39

https://www.blast-info.fr/articles/2024 ... hmxp6sJL3g

So !!!

Here you have the summary of the 30 pages of this thread...more than 20 years of this tragedy!!!

Treat yourself !!! It is exceptional...a document to keep.

Don't forget that this is not fiction...it's all real! Happy reading...(Even if the ending is absolutely not funny at all!)
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 22/04/24, 22:28

And here too we are the ones paying. “It’s under control,” he said to Izy... : Mrgreen:
Ah and then, it's not "the end", no no, there will be room "for a few billion more" (a French western).
Last edited by GuyGadeboisTheBack the 22 / 04 / 24, 22: 32, 1 edited once.
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View A.D. 44 » 22/04/24, 22:32

Yes clearly, the bill is for us (and it's really not closed at all! 19 billion is only part of the bill.)

But beyond that...it seems almost obvious now that this thing won't work (or very little), or that it will blow us in the face.

It's no longer a joke, it's a disaster (in the first sense of the word).
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 22/04/24, 22:42

It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
It's under control
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View sicetaitsimple » 22/04/24, 22:51

AD 44 wrote:But beyond that...it seems almost obvious now that this thing won't work (or very little), or that it will blow us in the face.

Ah good? It works very well in Finland, if I read correctly.
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View A.D. 44 » 22/04/24, 23:04

sicetaitsimple wrote:Ah good? It works very well in Finland, if I read correctly.

Very well...
Did you read that right???

https://www.zonebourse.com/actualite-bo ... -46425021/
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