EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View Remundo » 07/03/24, 09:31

It's not even the costs that scare me, but the weakness of EDF/ORANO's human resources.

when we see that they're bringing in American welders, it's amazing... but if it's the only way to bring the project to fruition, why not? : roll:
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View Petrus » 07/03/24, 18:41

They are no longer even capable of ensuring the maintenance of existing power plants and they want to build new models of reactors whose prototype still does not work and will never work as initially planned due to poor workmanship of the vessel and other PB .

Building a copy of a proven reactor would already have been a good challenge with today's degraded industrial fabric, but building new models is just economic suicide.
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View gegyx » 07/03/24, 19:21

To replace it, we could make the idlers, the RSA, and retirees cycle. Would this maintain them physically? : Cheesy:

and give the money to Ukraine and Moldova...
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 07/03/24, 19:25

Petrus wrote:+1
They are no longer even capable of ensuring the maintenance of existing power plants and they want to build new models of reactors whose prototype still does not work and will never work as initially planned due to poor workmanship of the vessel and other PB .

Building a copy of a proven reactor would already have been a good challenge with today's degraded industrial fabric, but building new models is just economic suicide.

But no... the French will continue to crash, as always. Conspiracy mode "on": With around 6 billion euros in savings, there is plenty to use. “Off” conspiracy mode.
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View Petrus » 07/03/24, 19:55

Yeah, I also wonder if they're doing it on purpose, there must be a lot of financial interest in making money pits that don't work.
The only lesson we could learn from the EPR fiasco is that we must stop wanting to fart higher than our ass and build things that are compatible with the means at our disposal, but no, they persevere in their bullshit.

On the site of the EPR prototype, we should bring back a Concorde, an A380, put a solar road at the entrance and turn it into a museum of unprofitable delusions, at least that would serve a purpose.
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View A.D. 44 » 12/04/24, 03:45

https://www.publicsenat.fr/actualites/e ... -de-60-ans

Another future challenge for EDF: the launch of the first French EPR in Flamanville. Constantly delayed, the group announced last week that the connection of the reactor to the electricity network was planned for the summer of 2024. However, this would not be the end of the obstacles for the project, which is twelve years late and a bill multiplied by four since the opening of the site. In 2026, the EPR will already have to be shut down, to replace the cover of the reactor vessel which has several manufacturing defects. A “very large operation”, which will lead to “very significant downtime », recalls Cédric Lewandowski.
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View Remundo » 12/04/24, 08:44

this bunch of broken arms...

Put in a little effort and you will change the cover before the first kWh produced. :P
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View Christophe » 12/04/24, 08:48

Anything all that : Shock: : Shock: : Shock:

So we might as well wait until 2026 for the start-up with a rectified cover...
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View Macro » 12/04/24, 09:14

Speaking of the precautionary principle, personally it wouldn't shock me if it took two more years..In any case they will get it started, as long as the corrective measures are taken before then...
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Re: EPR, to the dregs for EDF and Areva?

View Christophe » 12/04/24, 09:48

That's it...if they already know that things will go to shit in 2 years...for a shutdown of what? 12 months at least? You might as well do this project straight away...at least the tank won't be contaminated!

And then 14 years or 12 years late...what's the difference? The fiasco is already here...
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