Yellow Vests: Is the call of the November 17 justified? #GiletsJaunes

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Re: Yellow Vests: Is the November 17 Call Justified? #GiletsJaunes

by Adrien (ex-nico239) » 01/01/19, 23:05

wirbelwind262 wrote:the wishes of manu:


And Happy New Year to all !

Many reactions on the net are similar to yours ....

Does this mean that you feel in opposition to the current president? : Mrgreen:
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Re: Yellow Vests: Is the November 17 Call Justified? #GiletsJaunes

by Ahmed » 01/01/19, 23:16

@ Nico239: Of course, the traditional institutions have the vocation to last, but what is happening is played out on two apparently contradictory planes: 1- on the one hand, a call is expressed to these institutions so that they influence their action.
2- on the other hand, there is a desire to empower the GJ movement.

The first point is understandable because of the Jacobin tradition which strongly centralizes power and it is difficult to ignore it when it comes to blocking decisions that directly impact daily life.
The second rejects the electoral game as well as the other intermediate bodies (like the unions) and intends to constitute a force independent of the classic games of power, either by influencing it, or by finding other political ways of acting actually. more democratic, which would bypass the oligarchic power.

The opposition between these two planes is therefore rather chronological and should diminish and, perhaps, disappear ...
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Re: Yellow Vests: Is the November 17 Call Justified? #GiletsJaunes

by Christophe » 01/01/19, 23:17

Here is the pipo player ... a historic smiley of forums... It has been a long time since we could have ... should have placed it concerning Macron ...

By the way I still looked at his Wiki page, there are still some interesting points, very ...

For example:

Allegations of underestimation of wealth

In its edition of May 31, 2016, Le Canard enchaîné states that Emmanuel Macron undervalues ​​his assets by € 253 compared to the assessment made by the tax administration, which verifies the declarations made to the High Authority for the transparency in public life (HATVP) 255. This undervaluation concerns the value of his house in Le Touquet, which the interested party claims to have had appraised in 504 by an expert with the Court of Cassation who would have assessed it 2012 €, whereas the tax authorities consider that 'it is worth € 1. This reassessment by the tax administration raises the wealth of the Macron spouses mechanically above the tax threshold for solidarity wealth tax (ISF), resulting in a tax delay of € 200 for 000 and € 1 for 453.

It stacked me up for 2 reasons ...

a) that a future president, ex inspector of public finances and Minister of Economy in place tries to cheat for ... only a few thousand euros ... it's just pitiful!

But of course this is only the tip of the iceberg ...

b) that the ISF did not hurt the rich that much ... compared with the cost of labor and the tax rate of the "poor" ...

Anyway let me finish my sheaf before answering this ... thank you ...
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Re: Yellow Vests: Is the November 17 Call Justified? #GiletsJaunes

by wirbelwind262 » 01/01/19, 23:18

Barely HAHAHA : Mrgreen: you would have thought you were in the middle of a sermon ...
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Re: Yellow Vests: Is the November 17 Call Justified? #GiletsJaunes

by Adrien (ex-nico239) » 01/01/19, 23:31

Ahmed wrote:@ Nico239: Of course, the traditional institutions have the vocation to last, but what is happening is played out on two apparently contradictory planes: 1- on the one hand, a call is expressed to these institutions so that they influence their action.
2- on the other hand, there is a desire to empower the GJ movement.

The first point is understandable because of the Jacobin tradition which strongly centralizes power and it is difficult to ignore it when it comes to blocking decisions that directly impact daily life.
The second rejects the electoral game as well as the other intermediate bodies (like the unions) and intends to constitute a force independent of the classic games of power, either by influencing it, or by finding other political ways of acting actually. more democratic, which would bypass the oligarchic power.

The opposition between these two planes is therefore rather chronological and should diminish and, perhaps, disappear ...

It is a description of the forces present ok so what?

SI the opposition disappeared and what do you think it would result from?
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Re: Yellow Vests: Is the November 17 Call Justified? #GiletsJaunes

by Adrien (ex-nico239) » 01/01/19, 23:33

wirbelwind262 wrote:Barely HAHAHA : Mrgreen: you would have thought you were in the middle of a sermon ...

Okay then I guess you don't want him to be re-elected?
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Re: Yellow Vests: Is the November 17 Call Justified? #GiletsJaunes

by Ahmed » 02/01/19, 14:11

Nico239, you write:
It is a description of the forces present ok so what?

IF the opposition disappears and what do you think would result?

Beyond the "forces in presence", it is better to consider the novelty of the situation: a radical demand for representativeness among representatives who would no longer have discretionary powers, but would be in permanent connection with the "citizens" ...
For the moment we are not at the disappearance of the opposition and it is too early to know how things will develop; as I said before, the existing conflicts will not disappear, but it is hoped that more democracy will help to gradually reduce them. In any case, the existence of an authentic dialogue will allow these internal tensions to be expressed, which is already a good step towards appeasement.
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Re: Yellow Vests: Is the November 17 Call Justified? #GiletsJaunes

by Adrien (ex-nico239) » 02/01/19, 15:48

Ahmed wrote:In any case, the existence of an authentic dialogue will allow these internal tensions to be expressed, which is already a good step towards appeasement.

Ouh the optimist .... but that's exactly what the power wants ...

Express the tensions to find calm and therefore let everything resume its normal course: not terrible as a wish at the start of the year : Mrgreen:

The same as an LAB in a company ... we blablate, everyone remakes the world in front of 2 or 3 speakers paid by the company and whose report goes directly to oblivion ...

Result of the races: employees get back to work with the satisfaction of having been heard Image. I assure you that none of the requests for major developments that have been raised during these discussions have been successful.
Just to make clean we add a coffee machine here and there to say but on the essentials, the real working conditions: nada

But hey it works in business, why not at the level of a nation.
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Re: Yellow Vests: Is the November 17 Call Justified? #GiletsJaunes

by Remundo » 02/01/19, 17:00

I think that the debate with the GJs is entirely pipé by the government.

: Arrow: the migration issue has been excluded, and the RIC will never be conceded.

they seek to save time, to give wages which are not, hope that it will get tired in the street ... We wait for July, we spend the summer cuffy (the ideal time to stick unfair laws) , and then September, and then almost January 2020, we tap in the media, while we collect his good little wages and we will take his generous retirement from parliamentarian after.
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Re: Yellow Vests: Is the November 17 Call Justified? #GiletsJaunes

by Adrien (ex-nico239) » 02/01/19, 17:31

Remundo wrote:I think that the debate with the GJs is entirely pipé by the government.

: Arrow: the migration issue has been excluded, and the RIC will never be conceded.

they seek to save time, to give wages which are not, hope that it will get tired in the street ... We wait for July, we spend the summer cuffy (the ideal time to stick unfair laws) , and then September, and then almost January 2020, we tap in the media, while we collect his good little wages and we will take his generous retirement from parliamentarian after.

And I add: we weaken the opposition thanks to the GJ which does not make it a negative movement in my mind but it is a collateral damage and we take it for 5 years fingers in the nose by continuing the destructive reforms.

The only way out: vote AGAINST
Who will vote AGAINST (possibly) contradicting their convictions?
That is the question
In my opinion (except big bang) it is already lost in advance. : Oops:
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