Wattmetre, measure of home consumption

Hi-tech electronic and computer equipment and Internet. Better use of electricity, help with the work and specifications, equipment selection. Presentations fixtures and plans. Waves and electromagnetic pollution.
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Wattmetre, measure of home consumption

View Galaktic » 05/04/08, 13:58

I apologize in advance if the post is not in the right place, a little blue of this forum who wants to go green ... ^^

Concerned more and more about my environment, I wish to carry out a study on my computer, (a laptop and an office).
Having a monster in my desktop computer, of course I boosted its capacities a while ago, and now I want to make sure to use as little energy as possible. Because it must be admitted, our daily use of a computer is the web, word excel ... And I do not think it is necessary that a processor heats up for nothing.

Sorry for the length, in short I am looking for a good Wattmetre which could give me instant watt of the consumption of my computer, and why not other elements (well pumps, tv, ps3, etc etc ...)

My new eye on this type of material went above:

"Wattmetre Energiemetre Brennenstuhl PM 230 or PM230"

Can you give me your opinion on this product, or advise me something else in this price range, 30-40 €.

Thank you in advance :)
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Registration: 05/04/08, 13:48

View Galaktic » 05/04/08, 15:54

Thank you very much for this info!
But in fact I ordered the product before waiting for a response. Yes I have a little impulsive side :)
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More steps

View canteen » 28/04/08, 09:27

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View gregdu13250 » 11/05/08, 15:20

It is better to measure Volt-Amperes than Watts because cos phi intervenes in the power formula which has Watts as unit (P = UIcos phi), the apparent power (S = UI) does not depend on this power factor.

A perfect coil has a phase shift of pi / 2, it does not consume useful power but it consumes reactive power and therefore apparent power.
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View clasou » 31/05/08, 06:21

Besides the fact that I don't understand cos phi, I just received the wattmeter.
And surprise I find in voltage 250v, and the same with multimeter.
May (there is an impact on tv ordi and what remedy.
a + claude
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View gregdu13250 » 31/05/08, 13:59

clasou wrote:Hello,
Besides the fact that I don't understand cos phi, I just received the wattmeter.
And surprise I find in voltage 250v, and the same with multimeter.
May (there is an impact on tv ordi and what remedy.
a + claude
Are you located near a HT / BT tranfo?
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View clasou » 31/05/08, 16:47

Not sure, but as there has been a stock of houses that have been built, it is not impossible that there is one at around fifty meters.
a + claude
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