Relief dashed keyboard keys F and J, usefulness?

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Relief dashed keyboard keys F and J, usefulness?

by Christophe » 30/07/15, 23:44

That's 25 years that I use and not a little and I come ... tonight ... to see that all the keyboards I have at home had dashes in relief on the F and J keys (AZERTY keyboard)

I had never paid attention to this detail ... Someone knows the usefulness? Finding yourself with the 2 indexes (fingers) to type without looking at the keyboard can be?


ps: I have not voluntarily done research about it on the net ...
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by Cuicui » 31/07/15, 00:32

Finding yourself with the 2 indexes (fingers) to type without looking at the keyboard can be?

Exact. This is the first thing you learn when you take typing classes.
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by Christophe » 31/07/15, 00:36

Oh thank you ... what a joke, I've never had a typist class ... : Cheesy:
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by 1360 » 01/08/15, 06:53

Never done typing lessons either, and I had not noticed those dashes in relief that are also present on all my QWERTZ keyboards.
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by Cuicui » 01/08/15, 10:44

When learning typing, we are supposed not to look at the keyboard. Hence the importance of repositioning if necessary with the raised dashes on f and j.
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by Did67 » 01/08/15, 11:54

Affirmative! The speed tests of the secretaries were done with a hood that hid the fingers and all the art was, unlike me, that each finger, advancing backward a square, corresponds to a letter.
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by Ahmed » 01/08/15, 12:14

Mwouais ... But it only works if you have more than two fingers! : Cheesy:
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