Calculation ideal pay, equite by R. Guillet

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Calculation ideal pay, equite by R. Guillet

View Christophe » 11/12/15, 13:36

Remi Guillet asks me to publish this small .pdf concerning the calculation of the ideal "salary" in relation to shareholders, dividends ... in short, to the economic players of a company!

Helps build the ideal pay model for a "new" company ... wtLCzS.pdf

It is a matrix calculus so you have to have some solid foundations in mathematics to understand (about me it's a bit far all that!)
Last edited by Christophe the 12 / 12 / 15, 11: 41, 1 edited once.
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View Obamot » 11/12/15, 13:54

If we apply the principle of Masslow's pyramid (which we cannot popularize without having studied it) and relative to the "need for constraint":

The "ideal salary"is one that is just enough not to sink and just insufficient enough to make us swim.

And it turns out, as if by chance, that it's fitting with the calculation of the amount of rents, in the area where you live ... Yes, as if by chance ...

And which fixes the mortgage rates which determine the rents: the banks, ditto with the insurance premiums, as if by chance ...

And when we know that this determines the rest, as if by chance!

Other examples?
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View elephant » 11/12/15, 16:36

Bullshit! Our parliaments have long voted for the amount necessary to be able to do without being gainfully employed in order to be able to devote all of their time to serving the country.

And this (for Belgium) by being in parliament only one or two days a week (probably to exercise one or more remunerated mandates elsewhere, in business or in public administrations).

This amount is called the parliamentary allowance and amounts to 5 to 6000 euros net / month.

Certain deputies must deduct from it a comfortable patronage dividend. On the other hand (still in Belgium) they are entitled to a part-time collaborator, paid on the basis of a licensee's salary (master)

In France, they have an additional allowance to enable them to find decent accommodation in Paris (yes, if you are a member of the Ariège ...)

So all these wages, unemployment benefits, social assistance, etc. are clearly insufficient. : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen:
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View Obamot » 11/12/15, 16:50

he he, you point your finger at the paradigm shift of "unconditional basic income "...

I am also very surprised that things become clearer so quickly, since psychologically people are not close to that (taken from my example).

One of two things, either the multinationals have reaped so much profit by becoming economic mammoths (the secondary sector relocated itou) that there is less and less work and that consequently it became inevitable, or well they are committing a monumental blunder (a bit like the introduction of secularism).

Because it is not the fact of introducing the "unconditional basic income "... which goes as if by a wave of a magic wand, removing the "need for constraint".

On the one hand, there are the unemployed young people in the suburbs - who have not been looked after for 30 years - and who now play the caïds who must be reframed with national guard and emergency states, and on the other hand, the only alternative to idleness, which would be the "basic income"...

Do you see from here the explosiveness of the cocktail of paying these people to do nothing? : Shock: : Idea: :!: :!: :!:
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View elephant » 11/12/15, 17:46

Obamot said:

hey, you point your finger at the paradigm shift of "unconditional basic income" ...

Nay, I moan against the band of incompetents who claim to "represent us". For the most part "valiant party servants" who obey their finger on the seam.
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View Grelinette » 11/12/15, 22:43

Well, since we are talking about salary:
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Re: Calculation of the ideal salary, fair by R. Guillet

View dedeleco » 12/12/15, 02:30

Christophe wrote:Remi Guillet asks me to publish this small .pdf concerning the calculation of the ideal "salary" in relation to shareholders, dividends ... in short, to the economic players of a company!

Helps build the ideal pay model for a "new" company ... wtLCzS.pdf

It is a matrix calculus so you have to have some solid foundations in mathematics to understand (about me it's a bit far all that!)

Fun, I see a future CEO negotiate his salary with these beautiful dice !!

We should add some Pauli matrices and quantum Dirac, much simpler, it would be clearer with quantum effects!

Some more general quaternions !!

some rotations around various axes: ... pin_%C2%BD

then it would be clear !!

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View lilian07 » 12/12/15, 09:38

Dédé are you an Atomic physicist?
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View dedeleco » 12/12/15, 19:25

Not specially, a physicist with various quantum effects, microscopic and macroscopic, retired, after experimental as well as theoretical studies !!

I like to go from theory to concrete realization and vice versa.

These links are elementary bases, among many others more complex !!
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View dedeleco » 14/12/15, 15:07

Finally when we can put complex mathematical equations, it is that the problem is very simple !!!

See the real interactions of life in the gardens and which remain to be discovered hyper_complexes without valid equations:

and we try to simplify by killing almost often, to control, even in greenhouses !!
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Thiazolinones neuro toxic to avoid them being everywhere, madness, killing at least ppm, bacteria and your neurons, which multiplies Alzheimer !!

The bees disappear pesticide, Roundup, and are killing us slowly. ... noides.php


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