Tetrapak recycling

Environmental impact of end of life products: plastics, chemicals, vehicles, agri-food marketing. direct recycling and recycling (upcycling or upcycling) and reuse of good items for the trash!
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Tetrapak recycling

View xboxman4 » 03/08/16, 19:42

Wishing to make a small DIY garden shed, I seek to recycle a maximum of recycled material such as pallet wood for example.

For the cladding, I started on the use of a cut aluminum can that I will nail on the wood of the walls. But cutting is tedious, the surface minimal and my consumption in can is also.

Instead, I found this solution more interesting:
http://www.innerdesign.com/blog/archite ... r-students

I see several advantages:
The tetrapak is easier to work with,
Larger surface therefore less cutting,
Easier to store (folds),
We consume it more easily than cans (milk, fruit juice, soup ...)
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