Electrolysis and gas scooter

Tips, advice and tips to lower your consumption, processes or inventions as unconventional engines: the Stirling engine, for example. Patents improving combustion: water injection plasma treatment, ionization of the fuel or oxidizer.
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View abyssin3 » 21/04/08, 18:48

Abyssinian: I don't even know what to answer, I'm on my ass.

Hummmmm ...
Yes, I forgot that the communication was not going very well between the two of you (well I think that it was with you). Unfortunately, I cannot do much about it, it is not my responsibility. So I don't prefer to get involved (even if it's a bit late).
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View nlc » 21/04/08, 19:10

Between vor both? Between nou two you meant?

I don't know, it doesn't tell me anything anyway!
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View Remundo » 21/04/08, 19:43

tom wrote:I can even say that the experiments carried out by nlc are of very good quality.
I often visit his site, everything is well explained, he is a good handyman who has the idea 8)

Quite Tom!

I went to see, it is very well explained and documented.

So if I understand correctly, Nlc, you make in situ in your Laguna a mixture of H2 1/2 O2 and you naturally suck it up by a pipe passing through the air filter.

It is certain that you will influence the lamda probe and that the engine may not react to lower consumption.

In addition, the problem is all the same: to have 100 J thermal to combustion, you take at least 100 J electric on the battery.

But these thermal 100 J generates in mechanics only 35 J ... it is not economical in situ, it makes "eat" fuel to recharge the battery

What you need is to have the H2 in a bottle and hydrolyze it at home ... But it is not without risk and without difficulties. As you must have confronted you, Nlc ...

Ask BMW too, they still saw some to develop their 7 Hydrogen series! :D

However, I find your work very interesting, Chapeau bas Nlc 8)
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View nlc » 21/04/08, 22:17

hehe :)
The goal is not to add energy in the form of hydrogen, because indeed the energy consumed to produce it is necessarily lower than that which will be reinjected into the engine ...

No, the idea is to do hydrogen doping in a way that improve combustion original fuel. And therefore reduce pollution by reducing the unburnt, and therefore consume less since we burn more of the original fuel. In fact it is exactly the same principle as the pantone.

On my car, the problem is not just the lambda sensor. Because I also tested by disconnecting it and I have no improvement either. Besides, oddly on my box I do not consume more without the lambda probe.

For me "the problem" is quite simply that the engine is already burning a very large part of the fuel and therefore that I have little unburnt. So not much to improve in this way.

This is why, in my humble opinion, hydrogen doping and / or the pantone system are more likely to work on diesel which has a slow combustion and is therefore more likely to reject unburned exhaust.

But I repeat, the goal is not to add energy by hydrogen (with 80L / h of flow, it's really low ...), but to act as a dopant and improve combustion of the original fuel.

Otherwise thank you for your congratulations :D
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View jonule » 22/04/08, 09:31

for the lambda probe, there is a way to separate H2 from O2 by magnetism.

it would be seen on liquid oxygen for example, and to image, even a trickle of water is sensitive to the electrostatic field.
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View nlc » 22/04/08, 09:40

Yes, except that as explained many times on the subject improved electrolysis, the oxygen supply of electrolysis is ridiculously low compared to the enormous amount of oxygen that the engine naturally swallows through the ambient air.
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View gaudet86 » 10/10/08, 05:28

: Cheesy:
Last edited by gaudet86 the 19 / 10 / 08, 05: 45, 1 edited once.
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Re: hydrogen scooter: easy !!

View Capt_Maloche » 10/10/08, 09:45

gaudet86 wrote: watch this little video it may be able to convince you ..
pwm available www.pwm2008.com

ioi good ride !!


Be careful not to be fooled by vacuum electrolysis
at 0.1bar gas production seems 10 times greater
it is in Normo m3 (flow at atmospheric pressure) that figures must be given

jonule wrote:for the lambda probe, there is a way to separate H2 from O2 by magnetism.

it would be seen on liquid oxygen for example, and to image, even a trickle of water is sensitive to the electrostatic field.

Prove it ... and don't confuse a magnetic field with an electric field

It is the H2O molecule which is diamagnetic
O2 is balanced http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxyg%C3%A8ne
and H2 also seems to me http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrog%C3%A8ne

O2Electronegativity (Pauling) 3,44
Specific heat 920 J / (kgK)
Electrical conductivity - S / m
Thermal conductivity 0,02674 W / (mK)
1st ionization potential 1 kJ / mol
2st ionization potential 3 kJ / mol
3st ionization potential 5 kJ / mol
4st ionization potential 7 kJ / mol

Electronegativity (Pauling) 2,2
Specific heat 14 J / (kgK)
Electrical conductivity - S / m
Thermal conductivity 0,181 5 W / (mK)
1st ionization potential 1 kJ / mol

dipolar nature of water

model of hydrogen bonds between molecules of water important feature of water is its polar nature. The water molecule forms an angle, with hydrogen atoms at the tips and oxygen at the vertex. Since oxygen has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen, the side of the molecule with the oxygen atom has a partial negative charge. A molecule with such a charge difference is called has dipole.

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hydrogen production

View Elect.eco » 16/11/08, 17:46

following your research this is a very interesting site
see you
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View elephant » 16/11/08, 17:49

You delay my loulou! Your link is very well known and very disappointing!
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elephant Supreme Honorary éconologue PCQ ..... I'm too cautious, not rich enough and too lazy to really save the CO2! http://www.caroloo.be


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