gasoline engine hydrogen doping Photovoltaic Electrolysis

Tips, advice and tips to lower your consumption, processes or inventions as unconventional engines: the Stirling engine, for example. Patents improving combustion: water injection plasma treatment, ionization of the fuel or oxidizer.
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gasoline engine hydrogen doping Photovoltaic Electrolysis

View BaSiC71 » 04/05/13, 14:34

Hi everybody. For my first subject I introduce myself, Laurent 31 years. I have long been interested in innovative energy and technologies, so I often read this forum without intervening. Good handyman and self-taught I decide today to solicit the community for a project that I develop.

I have a camper C25 of 1985, 1.8l petrol engine. I 3 equipped with solar panels in parallel 40w (120w peak) connected to a regulator that charges the battery cell 130 Ah.

When I drive, the alternator takes over the panels that are shedding their diodes.

My idea is to create a system starting 2e solar panels, with a switch (touch the starter if possible) to supply one or more reactors and inject the hydrogen oxygen mixture in the engine air intake.

I read about the improved electrolysis nlc ... t1228.html

I observed that the signs at issue 17 20 volts. If I do according to his logic I can go up or 7 8 2 reactors volts.

Is the idea holds water? What results can I expect? Is there a risk to the engine?

In parallel I also searched a stirling engine solution by recovering heat from the engine. The only affordable to me seems very feeble: ... 11182.html

What may well be the power of the generator that lights 4 blue LED? Cà may valoire the hang of this couple in the production of panels? for the night for example ...?
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View elephant » 04/05/13, 16:45

If you read the 254 pages, you're welcome :D

I suggest you drop this topic and join improved electrolysis: no need to dilute the topics that have the same topic. I will copy your intervention and put it back in "Improved electrolysis".
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elephant Supreme Honorary éconologue PCQ ..... I'm too cautious, not rich enough and too lazy to really save the CO2!


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