Central implosive electrolysis

Tips, advice and tips to lower your consumption, processes or inventions as unconventional engines: the Stirling engine, for example. Patents improving combustion: water injection plasma treatment, ionization of the fuel or oxidizer.
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Re: Central implosive electrolysis

View DrBombay » 03/12/23, 08:24

Peterr wrote:
Same principle as in "Improved Electrolysis", except absence of the "Ion Accelerator" part.

So it doesn't work either, if it's the same principle.
Because “Improved Electrolysis”, you would have made something functional out of it, if it had really worked.
Sorry to bring you back to earth a little violently.
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Re: Central implosive electrolysis

View peter » 03/12/23, 09:54

An empty jam jar...
Water well saturated with washing powder...
An unenameled copper wire...
A big old long rusty SCREW...
Paper towels...
A simple 1uF 230V non-polarized Condo...
And an electrician tester.

Wrapped the paper around the screw...
Wrap the copper wire around it, spiral well, keep the ends of the wire long enough,
Connect the Condo between Electrode 1 and Electrode 2, in parallel.
Dip everything (except condo) in the SODA bath.

Connect the Tester to it, between E1 and E2, positioned on my DC.
So short-circuited on the House Battery.
So the current generated will be consumed...precisely!

Then OBSERVE and ASSIMILATE what is going to happen!

There is NO CONTINUOUS Current in this Battery, on the contrary, it oscillates, and it is JUST THIS which causes it to RISE EXPONENTIALLY
amps, in Sawtooth curve.
Note: it is a battery which, when consumed, produces more amps.
It is an Observable Fact.

Instead of telling nonsense behind other people's backs...

When you have PICT the BEHAVIOR of the Electro-Chemical Current, you can bring it back again...
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Re: Central implosive electrolysis

View peter » 03/12/23, 10:22

What is electrolysis?

It is a cacophony worthy of an orchestra WITHOUT A LEADER (pacer).

The “conductor”, the Cadencer, orders the IONS to “play” IN Rhythm!
Without it, your "music"... is nothing but electrochemical cacophony.
And YOUR amps, you can always try to run after them...
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Re: Central implosive electrolysis

View DrBombay » 03/12/23, 10:33

Wait for me, don't run too fast!
I am checking that I have the right ingredients to repeat the experiment which led to nothing.
You talk about laundry detergent then soda and I noticed “vinegar”, “dishwashing liquid” here and there.
What exactly does it take to have your experience of which you have no trace, nor realization which would amaze me?

I don't know anything about laundry detergent, there are some things in laundry detergent:

Basic laundry detergent ingredients
To be effective, laundry detergent must be composed of many chemical elements. A basic detergent contains:
• Detergents: synthetic cleaning agents and surfactants. Their role is to disperse the dirt particles present on the laundry in the water.
• Complexing products or anti-redeposition agents, which complement the role of surfactants by preventing dirt from being deposited again on the laundry.
• Sequestering agents, which increase the power of a detergent product. They are not essential for the detergent to be effective, but a detergent that does not contain them should contain more surfactants.
• Enzymes (hydrolases), which act on organic molecules (stains) which they break up for better elimination.
• Alkaline compounds, which improve the action of surfactants and maintain the Hydrogen potential (pH) of the solution sufficiently high.

You can't be serious? as a tennis friend would say.
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Re: Central implosive electrolysis

View peter » 03/12/23, 10:42

Typical reaction to look for the little beast...and give yourself a headache, lol.

Regardless of the means used,
the more simplified it is, the fewer parasitic elements there will be.

As long as we make sure we have a Charge Timer...

Humans are like this, making life complicated...
Yet it could be so SIMPLE.

: Oops:
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Re: Central implosive electrolysis

View peter » 03/12/23, 11:02

To dispel a problem about WHY I switched from Acid Bath to Alkaline Bath,
but ALSO in a more REDUCED Model...
in your opinion ?

Because of the risk of accidents from overflowing amps to manage in the event of a runaway.

Fewer Amperes = fewer Risks and better CONTROL and Observation Time.

Logical isn't it?

You could have found this answer yourself, you just had to... think!

Additionally I did NOT even include a Power Battery, the elements themselves were self-powered.
Reduced to the simplest possible form, there are fewer unnecessary migraines.

Note: I am NOT talking about Electrolysis here with the aim of generating gas, but the present case here... the Alternating Current BATTERY.
Solely to OBSERVE the oscillations, assimilate what is happening, and improve control of the whole thing.

These are ONLY CADENCED electrochemical reactions!
I don't understand why for so many people this seems so complex... : roll:
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Re: Central implosive electrolysis

View DrBombay » 03/12/23, 12:23

Peterr wrote:
Regardless of the means used,
the more simplified it is, the fewer parasitic elements there will be.
These are ONLY CADENCED electrochemical reactions!

You just had to start there, it would have been easier.
Instead of all this palaver.

I'm not very confident about the success of "It doesn't matter what means are used" but if you say so.
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Re: Central implosive electrolysis

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 03/12/23, 12:26

Some little photos of the DIY? Some concrete results (filmed) with measuring instruments? No because so far, blabla as delirious as it is inconsistent but with huge, hallucinatory, extraordinary announcement effects.
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Re: Central implosive electrolysis

View DrBombay » 03/12/23, 14:03

Oh, a normal answer!
Sincerely, Image
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Re: Central implosive electrolysis

View sicetaitsimple » 03/12/23, 15:12

GuyGadeboisLeRetour wrote:Some little photos of the DIY? Some concrete results (filmed) with measuring instruments? No because so far, blabla as delirious as it is inconsistent but with huge, hallucinatory, extraordinary announcement effects.

It was planned, but the camera melted given the violence of the reaction...
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