Doping Association-electrolysis to improve performance

Tips, advice and tips to lower your consumption, processes or inventions as unconventional engines: the Stirling engine, for example. Patents improving combustion: water injection plasma treatment, ionization of the fuel or oxidizer.
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Doping Association-electrolysis to improve performance

by abyssin3 » 03/03/06, 19:58

Just an idea that comes to mind, did anyone try to put electrolysis on the air inlet of a water doping series?

My idea is this: in a case of water doping or even in some pantone fixtures, you need an air inlet (fresh or heated) in the bubbler.
Now, if the electrolysis works and saves fuel, why not connect it directly to the air inlet in the bubbler? thus one could perhaps have an economy due to the doping itself, but in addition that due to the creation of hydrogen fuel ...
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by nlc » 03/03/06, 20:50

This is already an idea we had with dudu and was even mentioned by others on the post improved electrolysis I believe.

It is indeed something to try, but it is already necessary to validate the hydrogen doping alone :?

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by abyssin3 » 05/03/06, 17:56

This is already an idea we had with dudu


from what I saw on your site (very well done I found), it seems that you already have results comparable to Utopia. It's already pretty good. it would be worth it to make a prototype (hydrogen doping alone), to validate it and measure the conso.
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by nlc » 05/03/06, 21:16

Yes, we get the same output as the utopia device (<4W / h per liter of gas)

For real tests, I'm waiting for that! But on my side I have unforeseen, my reactor was leaking everywhere I had to do it again Saturday. I hope I can finally make a real test next Saturday, by mounting the system temporarily on my vehicle.
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by lau » 06/03/06, 14:48

i can not wait to wait for your results nlc, it would be a snub to mr moreau and his sonoluminescence ..
I had already mentioned the fact of electrolysis directly in the bubbler; but to direct the flow of H2 in the aspiration of it is a better idea, remains to know if these 2 processes are complementary.
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by yahi » 17/04/06, 13:11

for NLC:

So ? it works? the pvc holds?

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by nlc » 17/04/06, 14:27

Hi Yahi, I have not advanced since the last time ...
Too much stuff to do ...
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by Sat-going » 17/04/06, 16:38

Hi everyone,
Are you interested in the archie blue patent?
quantum source.
he uses an air supply to decollate the hydrogen bubbles.
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by nlc » 17/04/06, 17:22

Yes I know the principle, but the assembly is not obvious with multicell electrolysis series.
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by jonule » 20/09/06, 11:18

should it be interesting to use the pantone reactor as an electrode? from there to put 6 in parallel ...

I do not know if it is interesting to polarize the output of the electrolyser via a magnetic field (type of economizers) since there is already a magnetic field in the pantone reactor ...
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