Doping Association-electrolysis to improve performance

Tips, advice and tips to lower your consumption, processes or inventions as unconventional engines: the Stirling engine, for example. Patents improving combustion: water injection plasma treatment, ionization of the fuel or oxidizer.
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Grand Econologue
Grand Econologue
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View antoinet111 » 07/12/06, 14:52


in a pantone bubbler, you put cathode anodes,
air + pantone vapor + electrolysis gases all in the reactor then in the admixture.

this is crazy, but you have to do a test,

namely: the behavior of Oxygen and Hydrogen has high temperatures. : Idea: : Mrgreen:
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I vote for the writing of concrete post and practicality.
Down the talkers and ceiling fans!
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Pantone engine Researcher
Pantone engine Researcher
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View zac » 07/12/06, 21:22

antoinet111 wrote: namely: the behavior of Oxygen and Hydrogen has high temperatures. : Idea: : Mrgreen:


all seen; ya poum (very loud).

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Said the zebra, freeman (endangered breed)
This is not because I am con I try not to do smart things.

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