I built myself a solar thermal sensor based on cans. He walks properly. Yesterday on a mausade day (normandie), gray with qq cleared, I got a peak of exit 68 ° against env 19 ° in entry.
Now, I want to propel this hot air in a pipe at home. I am looking for the simplest way:
I also thought of a fan that fires itself if a temperature threshold is reached. While searching the net, I found this:
it is a double window fan with integrated thermostat and fills of the reversible happiness.
Unfortunately, I only find it on Canadian or US sites that do not sell in France !!
Does any of you know of a similar system or store that sells this product?
Thank you
Solar Air: find a fan with a thermostat
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1) It looks nice your installation, you have some pictures?
2) I do not understand your problem, do you want a fan with a built-in thermostat? You can very well make a reversible yourself with 2 well identical fan well cable as it should.
Guidi made a similar montage here (1 1 windshield meaning): https://www.econologie.com/forums/chauffage- ... t5712.html
2) I do not understand your problem, do you want a fan with a built-in thermostat? You can very well make a reversible yourself with 2 well identical fan well cable as it should.
Guidi made a similar montage here (1 1 windshield meaning): https://www.econologie.com/forums/chauffage- ... t5712.html
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This is an idea that is good.
Too bad you live so far from Belgium, I have two or three exhaust fans at home.
For regulation, there should be ways to work without electrical regulation (hot air rises). Like the principle of walls with a window (that's a name this system .. caput memory)
Otherwise we sell for 25 euros at heating specialists a simple thermostat adapted to your needs.
I will try to take pictures of the thermostat, and the fans, to give you ideas
For me, your idea is good, every time I enter my car in autumn, and I discover the warmth of the cabin, I say to myself, there is food for thought.
Too bad you live so far from Belgium, I have two or three exhaust fans at home.
For regulation, there should be ways to work without electrical regulation (hot air rises). Like the principle of walls with a window (that's a name this system .. caput memory)
Otherwise we sell for 25 euros at heating specialists a simple thermostat adapted to your needs.
I will try to take pictures of the thermostat, and the fans, to give you ideas
For me, your idea is good, every time I enter my car in autumn, and I discover the warmth of the cabin, I say to myself, there is food for thought.
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Man is by nature a political animal (Aristotle)
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lejustemilieu wrote:: D That's an idea that's good.
Too bad you live so far from Belgium, I have two or three exhaust fans at home.
For the thermostat if you want something more evolved with precise time programming and day / night, we propose one: https://www.econologie.com/shop/thermost ... p-172.html
0 x
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The model I made is inspired by that:
I do not know anything about electricity and electronics, so I'm looking for an ultra-simple solution.
I just read the post link: that's what I'm trying to do but at the branch level, it's already too far for my knowledge.
ditto for the thermostat link, I don't know how that would plug into my 12V PC fan that I kept for that (possibly, I can buy a 220V fan). But in this case, it would run at specific times and not necessarily "hot".
My goal is for the fan to bring warm air when the sensor is hot and do not do anything when the weather is too gray.
The ideal is reversibility (like that of my first post) because in summer, I could remove heat in the room.
I did not think of making a photo during construction: but the
here is finished:
a photo editing as I want to place my sensor:
Thanks for your help
I do not know anything about electricity and electronics, so I'm looking for an ultra-simple solution.
I just read the post link: that's what I'm trying to do but at the branch level, it's already too far for my knowledge.
ditto for the thermostat link, I don't know how that would plug into my 12V PC fan that I kept for that (possibly, I can buy a 220V fan). But in this case, it would run at specific times and not necessarily "hot".
My goal is for the fan to bring warm air when the sensor is hot and do not do anything when the weather is too gray.
The ideal is reversibility (like that of my first post) because in summer, I could remove heat in the room.
I did not think of making a photo during construction: but the
here is finished:
a photo editing as I want to place my sensor:
Thanks for your help
0 x
Curious about renewable energies
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The classic thermostat
A fan recovered on ??? with his transformer in my hand (I was cute in Africa No?
The third picture does not want to come ?? it is a fan recovered on the solar bench of my neighbor ...
I will try to convince her to show herself on the web (the photo! Not the neighbor )
A fan recovered on ??? with his transformer in my hand (I was cute in Africa No?
The third picture does not want to come ?? it is a fan recovered on the solar bench of my neighbor ...
I will try to convince her to show herself on the web (the photo! Not the neighbor )
0 x
Man is by nature a political animal (Aristotle)
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This afternoon, I went to the nearest DIY store, to see what existed as a fan and if there was a ready solution with thermal detection: nothing, nada!
so I tried to estimate fan cost + thermostat.
Grosso Modo, I find myself at the same cost as a solar panel of 4W ... (it was my first idea but with a panel of 10W, considering the cost I was ready to do without solar! )
But here I say to myself: with a panel of 4 watts, my PC fan will work, and in addition, it will work in case of sun so it will serve as a thermostat qq so !!
Or the solution of "LeJusteMilieu1", fan PC + transformer and I add a programmable socket to make it run alternately (so in the event of bad weather, if I leave a 15 min break, the solar collector will have time to "rebuild" from the hot ... Finally, I think ?!
so I tried to estimate fan cost + thermostat.
Grosso Modo, I find myself at the same cost as a solar panel of 4W ... (it was my first idea but with a panel of 10W, considering the cost I was ready to do without solar! )
But here I say to myself: with a panel of 4 watts, my PC fan will work, and in addition, it will work in case of sun so it will serve as a thermostat qq so !!
Or the solution of "LeJusteMilieu1", fan PC + transformer and I add a programmable socket to make it run alternately (so in the event of bad weather, if I leave a 15 min break, the solar collector will have time to "rebuild" from the hot ... Finally, I think ?!
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Curious about renewable energies
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I did not understand that you wanted to do a solar power.
In this case find a thermostat that works in 12V ca be more problematic. Should see the camping gear but it is always overcharged!
But do you want to make a solar power supply?
Because seen what a fan consumes it may not be worth it if it annoys?
ps: Owl grieves LeJuste, and it works?
In this case find a thermostat that works in 12V ca be more problematic. Should see the camping gear but it is always overcharged!
But do you want to make a solar power supply?
Because seen what a fan consumes it may not be worth it if it annoys?
ps: Owl grieves LeJuste, and it works?
0 x
Do a image search or an text search - Netiquette of forum
Nice editing anyway.
But I think that if you want to do something clean and cheap will have to tinker a little, so without knowledge in electricity / electronics it will be a little harder but there are good advisers here, we can surely help you put that into practice.
But I have a question. All the cans are pierced and you pass a continuous flow of air in all the cans, like the course of the water in a normal thermal panel.
By cons in my opinion it would be good to know the airflow of the fan PC you have.
But I think that if you want to do something clean and cheap will have to tinker a little, so without knowledge in electricity / electronics it will be a little harder but there are good advisers here, we can surely help you put that into practice.
But I have a question. All the cans are pierced and you pass a continuous flow of air in all the cans, like the course of the water in a normal thermal panel.
By cons in my opinion it would be good to know the airflow of the fan PC you have.
0 x
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