GuyGadeboisLeRetour wrote:And to get across his lies, always the Goebbels method ...
And this list is a list of Nazis?
[1] John Cook, Naomi Oreskes, Peter T Doran, William RL Anderegg, Bart Verheggen, Ed W Maibach, J Stuart Carlton, Stephan Lewandowsky, Andrew G Skuce, Sarah A Green, Dana Nuccitelli, Peter Jacobs, Mark Richardson, Bärbel Winkler , Rob Painting and Ken Rice, Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on human-caused global warming (2016) Environmental Research Letters, Volume 11, Number 4.
[2] John Cook, Dana Nuccitelli, Sarah A Green, Mark Richardson, Bärbel Winkler, Rob Painting, Robert Way, Peter Jacobs and Andrew Skuce, Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature, Environmental Research Letters, Volume 8, Number 2.
[3] Oreskes N 2007 The scientific consensus on climate change: how do we know we're not wrong? Climate Change: What It Means for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press)
[4] Carlton JS, Perry-Hill R, Huber M and Prokopy LS 2015 The climate change consensus extends beyond climate scientists Environ. Res. Lett. 10 094025
[5] Verheggen B, Strengers B, Cook J, van Dorland R, Vringer K, Peters J, Visser H and Meyer L 2014 Scientists' views about attribution of global warming Environ. Sci. Technol. 48 8963–71
[6] Pew Research Center 2015 An elaboration of AAAS Scientists' views ( ..._FINAL.pdf)
[7] Stenhouse N, Maibach E, Cobb S, Ban R, Bleistein A, Croft P, Bierly E, Seitter K, Rasmussen G and Leiserowitz A 2014 Meteorologists' views about global warming: a survey of american meteorological society professional members Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 95 1029-40
[8] Rosenberg S, Vedlitz A, Cowman DF and Zahran S 2010 Climate change: a profile of US climate scientists' perspectives Clim. Change 101 311–29
[9] Bray D 2010 The scientific consensus of climate change revisited Environmental Science & Policy 13 340–50
[10] Anderegg WRL, Prall JW, Harold J and Schneider SH 2010 Expert credibility in climate change Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 107 12107–9
[11] Doran P and Zimmerman M 2009 Examining the scientific consensus on climate change Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 90 22
[12] Bray D and von Storch H 2007 (Geesthacht: GKSS) The Perspectives of Climate Scientists on Global Climate Change
[13] Oreskes N 2004 Beyond the ivory tower. The scientific consensus on climate change Science 306 1686
[14] Locher, C., Moher, D., Cristea, I., & Florian, N. (2020, July 15). Publication by association: the Covid-19 pandemic reveals relationships between authors and editors.[15] Popular 97% Study Falsely Classifies Scientists' Papers, according to the scientists that published them
[16] Powell J. Scientists Reach 100% Consensus on Anthropogenic Global Warming. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society. 2019; 37 (4): 183-184.
[17] James Powell is wrong about the 99.99% AGW consensus (
[18] Method | James Lawrence Powell (
Those who made it clear that there is no consensus: ... amination/- An undeniable consensus?
- An error of logic.
- Confirmation bias.
- Selection bias and sample size issues.
- Influence of the experimenter and social acceptance of the results.
- A 100% magical consensus.
Global warming consensus must be challenged by scientists.
By examining several papers which suggest an extremely high level of consensus on anthropogenic global warming, we have shown that this assessment is built on a significant but however limited fraction of the available scientific publications or a limited number of explicit opinions.
We have shown how some authors asserting an extremely high level of consensus on global warming have used artificial circular reasoning to convince and we have pointed out that several method biases (notably confirmation biases, selection biases, publication biases , the experimental effect, social acceptability) did not seem to be under control. Because of these potential biases, 90-100% could be overly optimistic estimates of the current consensus on global warming..
Our conclusion about the potential overestimation of the global warming consensus does not mean that global warming due to human activities does not exist. But asserting 100% consensus is magic, unless it's backed up by solid evidence that we haven't found to date in the articles claiming it. It must be questioned. To question is not to deny. It is a necessary tool to maintain good hygiene in the practice of science.
The entire climate science community should probably find a way to rigorously analyze its own work, with a verified unbiased methodology., in order to scientifically build the level of agreement on global warming and should avoid ill-founded magical claims that may attract public attention but present the risk of discrediting science.
The probity requirements apply to all scientists, including climatologists."
The only followers of Goebble are the two little shits who give each other a reply and spend their time in insults and slanders.