The latest figures and weather consequences of global warming

Warming and Climate Change: causes, consequences, analysis ... Debate on CO2 and other greenhouse gas.
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The latest figures and weather consequences of global warming

View moinsdewatt » 19/04/15, 14:29

The 2015 year experienced the warmest March in history

17 / 04 / 2015 Le Figaro

2015 March is the warmest month on Earth since 1880, when the US Agency Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) began raising temperatures.
"During the month of March, the average temperature on the surface of land and ocean was 0,85 ° C over the twentieth century," the organization wrote in its report published Friday.

"This is the highest average temperature for March since 1880, it surpasses the previous record set in 2010 from 0,05 ° C", pursue science.
The previous record dated March 2010. The average temperature in March 2015 1,51 exceeds ° C temperature 1898 March, the coldest months on record.
In addition, the period from January to March was also the warmest on record, NOAA said. ... stoire.php
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View sen-no-sen » 19/04/15, 16:21

Despite the climate-skepticism of some, there is a series of undeniable facts about global warming in polar regions.
Outside the polar regions or sub-polar contains methane trapped in permafrost begins now to be released.
We are therefore faced with one of the worst possible scenario:a retro-active loop accelerating: = Warming melting permafrost releasing methane = = = accelerated warming accelerated melting of permafrost = acceleration due to dissipation of methane etc..etc ...
An increase of 1C ° as often announced, we would have an increase in global temperature 3,4,5 ° C more ...
As a reminder during the Ice Age, with 3C ° less, the city of Grenoble was under hundreds of meters of ice ...

Typical of the Arctic, permafrost, the frozen ground for thousands of years thaws gradually under the effect of global warming. In doing so, it releases powerful greenhouse gas. "CNRS The newspaper" went to Nunavik, in Arctic Canada, to better understand this phenomenon largely underestimated by climate models. (...)

The biggest continental carbon sink

This is far from the only consequence of climate changes in Nunavik, the Arctic Quebec populated 90% Inuit. Here, not only the ice is reduced from year to year, but the permafrost, permanently frozen soil, characteristic of the Arctic regions (permafrost in its Anglo-Saxon view), also begins to thaw ... A real problem for infrastructure of fourteen municipalities in the region - access roads and airport runways smashed, houses who see the ground crumble beneath their foundations - but also for global future of the planet. That's more on this disturbing phenomenon that we made the trip with Florent Overlooked: this researcher French Canadian laboratory Takuvik initiated an extensive research project on permafrost, the project APT (Acceleration of Permafrost Thaw by Snow -Vegetation interaction), not least involving eight laboratories and french canadiens1.
"If all the carbon locked up in permafrost were to be released, this could have dramatic consequences for global warming," says Florent Dominated that evokes a increase in 5 8 ° C temperature by 2100, when the worst scenario of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is now at 2 4 ° C, without yet taking into account these complex processes, unearthed recently.
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View Ahmed » 20/04/15, 19:22

I had sent you a PM, moot ... 8)

I was puzzled for a long time as to the deep meaning of your signature, today I find it perfectly explicit and justified in the context of "sustainable development" of climate change.
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View sen-no-sen » 20/04/15, 20:34

Ahmed wrote:I had sent you a PM, moot ... 8)

I was puzzled for a long time as to the deep meaning of your signature, today I find it perfectly explicit and justified in the context of "sustainable development" of climate change.

Yes thank you for your message!

I like the quotes de Gaulle, because it reveals a major philosophical concept ,, the Wu Wei:
“Wuwei, wu wei or wou wei (Chinese: 無爲) is a Taoist concept which can be translated as“ non-action ”or“ non-intervention. ”However, it is not an attitude of inaction or passivity. , but acting in accordance with the "original cosmic order", the movement of nature and the Way (Tao).

At the ethical level, the wuwei manifests itself in those who have ceased selfish and passionate actions, through humility, altruism, tolerance, gentleness, and this without any claim to wisdom ".

If the principle of non-action was applied, there would be opportunities for humanity to survive ...

... For if the permafrost begins to melt, something unfortunately found in the polar regions of the globe for over a decade, the consequences which we will expose us no common measures.
When it comes to climate change it comes to the idea an increase (or vice versa) and gentle constant temperature, this is true in the case of long cycles -humainement parlant- (cycle Milankovitch), But in the present case, we likely to make a rapid change, very fast ... there are previous ...
As a reminder:
The climate has shifted in an extremely brutal way at the end of the last ice age
- Press release
Friday, 20 June 2008

New analyzes ultra-high resolution of Greenland ice cores reveal that the climate has shifted very suddenly, in a few yearsAt the end of the last Ice Age, here about 10 000 years. This is shown by the international team that analyzed cores from deep drilling NorthGRIP, which the French Paleoclimatologists Climate Sciences Laboratory and the environment (CEA - CNRS - University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en- Yvelines) participated. The researchers demonstrated that these abrupt climate changes are linked to radical changes in atmospheric circulation. These results were published on June 19 2008 in Science and Science Express.

Another point: global warming is not just synonymous with drought, on the contrary, to the greenhouse effect should appear antagonizes the parasol effect(More equal heat more evaporation, and thus more clouds).
The "Venus" scenario is therefore unlikely, the sea surfaces covering 70% of the earth's surface, the oceans will heat up, and this increase in temperature will be evacuated by dissipative energy structures ... cyclones.
Beyond 3C ° more than at present should appear super cyclone, see ultra-cyclones.
A super-cyclone would be an equal dimension to the European Union (!), With winds of more than 400km / h, and last would be permanent.
Some theoretical models indicate ultra cyclones, so giant tornadoes about 10km diameters and equipped with subsonic wind (800-900km / h), the top of the spout could reach the central region of the stratosphere injecting made gigantic amount of moisture promotes the rapid degradation of the ozones layer ...
We must understand that beyond 3C °, the living conditions will be more favorable to large species (have returned to principles of selection and K r) synonymous with mass extinction, human topped the list. ..
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View Ahmed » 20/04/15, 21:12

I am not sure that De Gaulle fully claimed this concept of "Wu wei" ..., but it's still interesting.
You write:
When it comes to climate change, he comes to the idea an increase (or vice versa) and gentle constant temperature, this is true in the case of long cycles -humainement parlant- (Milankovitch cycle), but in the current case, we likely to make a rapid change, very fast ... there are precedents ...

Of course, there are potentially devastating effects of threshold and the idea of ​​a slow progression that it would be time to reverse contains two dangerous ideas. We have seen why the first (Roddier speak avalanche) is an error, the second simply ignores the principle of the irreversibility of time.
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View sen-no-sen » 20/04/15, 21:52

Ahmed wrote:I am not sure that De Gaulle fully claimed this concept of "Wu wei" ..., but it's still interesting.

In fact I do not think it's been introduced to Taoist concept ... but there is a principle that is found in many philosophies.

We have seen why the first (Roddier would speak of avalanche) is an error, the second simply ignores the principle of irreversibility of time.

The current system completely ignores the effects of thresholds, "it" is blind, and its agents are also blind, their roles are limited to implementing the sustainability of the said system ... until their collapse.
It could not be clearer that no measures can be expected from governments, the recent "blazing" declarations in the Philippines are schizophrenic, conservation of biotopes on the one hand and a desire for "more" growth on the other. .the politics of oxymoron once again ...
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View moinsdewatt » 11/07/15, 12:23

Global warming: "We are in an unequivocal progression"

by Anne-Laure Barral Friday, July 10 2015

2.000 scientists a hundred countries met in Paris to take stock of the latest data on climate. Their conclusion is clear: there is no pause in rising temperatures as some thought. 2015 is, for them, a momentous year to curb emissions of greenhouse gases.

It's the biggest forum climate scientist. Organized before COP21, it brought together 2.000 international experts from 7 to 10 in Paris in July to discuss ways to fight against global warming. Because it is urgent to limit our pollution if we want to avoid the rise of the average temperature of the globe beyond 2 ° C by 2100, figure decided at the Copenhagen climate conference of 2009. Currently, if we do nothing, we must actually expect a climate of 4 ° C more, warn scientists gathered in Paris.

To avoid reaching this increase, we must not send in the atmosphere more than 900 billion tons of CO2, a figure that will be reached by 20 years if we continue at our current rate. The latest scientific findings show that the effects of climate change are already present: heat waves, floods and melting ice.

Scientists remind the need to reduce our emissions of greenhouse 40 70% to% by 2050, if we want to achieve zero emissions in 2100. It is still possible if we put a price on carbon, if we invest in transportation, clean cities. This represents only a small share of the billions that we will devote our future infrastructure investments. Scientists recognize that changes will be easier to do for energy production, automobiles or energy efficiency, but they will be more complicated in aviation, road and sea transport.

Marked change

"We are in a progression of unequivocal warming and we will see if 2015 beats the record of 2014", explains Jean Jouzel, climatologist, vice-president of the IPCC. Beyond rising temperatures, rising sea levels and melting ice, it has been found that some animal species are changing their way of life. "The climatic zones are moving by a few kilometers per decade and this will accelerate. We have observed a change in sharks, but also a modification of the date of migrations. Cultures also follow the change of seasons", notes Jean Jouzel .

"We must move towards a new low-carbon mode of development, which requires the mobilization of all", warns Jean Jouzel. "We must also think in terms of the development of poor countries and this must go hand in hand with the fight against global warming." ... que-703377
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View Remundo » 11/07/15, 16:14

after that there will still climatosceptiques ...

From my side in Auvergne, all the meadows are yellow / white. The few remaining grass crunches under the shoes like dry tobacco. Worse than the end of the month dry August.

worth what it's worth, but in late June / early July, this is unheard of, even in traditionally cooler mountain and a little wet!

Father told me it could end up like the drought of 76.

Yeah it's not impossible that bat of heat records in 2015. because July is well underway now and it has gone to air dry and hot. For August, only God knows for now. :P
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View Janic » 20/10/15, 16:28

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View Janic » 20/10/15, 16:29

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