Ahmed wrote:I had sent you a PM, moot ...
I was puzzled for a long time as to the deep meaning of your signature, today I find it perfectly explicit and justified in the context of "sustainable development" of climate change.
Yes thank you for your message!
I like the quotes de Gaulle, because it reveals a major philosophical concept ,, the
Wu Wei:
“Wuwei, wu wei or wou wei (Chinese: 無爲) is a Taoist concept which can be translated as“ non-action ”or“ non-intervention. ”However, it is not an attitude of inaction or passivity. , but acting in accordance with the "original cosmic order", the movement of nature and the Way (Tao).
At the ethical level, the wuwei manifests itself in those who have ceased selfish and passionate actions, through humility, altruism, tolerance, gentleness, and this without any claim to wisdom ".http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuwei_%28philosophie_chinoise%29If the principle of non-action was applied, there would be opportunities for humanity to survive ...
... For if the permafrost begins to melt, something unfortunately found in the polar regions of the globe for over a decade, the consequences which we will expose us no common measures.
When it comes to climate change it comes to the idea an increase (or vice versa) and gentle constant temperature, this is true in the case of long cycles -humainement parlant- (cycle
Milankovitch), But in the present case, we likely to make a rapid change, very fast ... there are previous ...
As a reminder:
The climate has shifted in an extremely brutal way at the end of the last ice age
- Press release
Friday, 20 June 2008
New analyzes ultra-high resolution of Greenland ice cores reveal that the climate has shifted very suddenly, in a few yearsAt the end of the last Ice Age, here about 10 000 years. This is shown by the international team that analyzed cores from deep drilling NorthGRIP, which the French Paleoclimatologists Climate Sciences Laboratory and the environment (CEA - CNRS - University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en- Yvelines) participated. The researchers demonstrated that these abrupt climate changes are linked to radical changes in atmospheric circulation. These results were published on June 19 2008 in Science and Science Express.
Another point: global warming is not just synonymous with drought, on the contrary, to the greenhouse effect should appear antagonizes
the parasol effect(More equal heat more evaporation, and thus more clouds).
The "Venus" scenario is therefore unlikely, the sea surfaces covering 70% of the earth's surface, the oceans will heat up, and this increase in temperature will be evacuated by dissipative energy structures ... cyclones.
Beyond 3C ° more than at present should appear super cyclone, see ultra-cyclones.
A super-cyclone would be an equal dimension to the European Union (!), With winds of more than 400km / h, and last would be permanent.
Some theoretical models indicate ultra cyclones, so giant tornadoes about 10km diameters and equipped with subsonic wind (800-900km / h), the top of the spout could reach the central region of the stratosphere injecting made gigantic amount of moisture promotes the rapid degradation of the ozones layer ...
We must understand that beyond 3C °, the living conditions will be more favorable to large species (have returned to principles of selection and K r) synonymous with mass extinction, human topped the list. ..
"Engineering is sometimes about knowing when to stop" Charles De Gaulle.