Greta facing the deputies

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Re: Greta facing the deputies

View eclectron » 10/08/19, 10:19

to be chafoin wrote: Say you cumulate them yourself. After the sectarian proselytism, the aliens, the hidden civilization and the exits of body, that is the Deep State !! whoever is behind all our ills, the one who organized the 11 September and who favors satanic rituals!
A video to bring to the top 50 most heartbreaking videos on the net. Fabienne has 2 neurons.

To be more fair to Fabienne, she is only a reader in the story, finally it seems to me.

Do not mind all this exists (overlaps ...) In what proportion? that is the question.

But it's like everything, if we do not care, it does not exist ... .and we are quieter, it's true. : Lol:
It is not very important, it was just to illustrate that at the "top" we do not necessarily aim for your interest / personal development, we deal with it, but you already knew that?
Funny to see your "openness" in the face of possibilities.
Do you question the statements of successive presidents, especially Americans?

sectarian proselytism: I propose a way of living inwardly, not shared, where everyone remains totally free (and becomes more and more). Fun to see how you treat it.

aliens: statistically, considering the universe, how could it be otherwise. It's like everything, if you do not care, it does not exist ....

hidden civilization: I do not really see what you're talking about, I'm not aware because it's hidden! : Lol:

outings of body: very disturbing testimonies but imagination also, it is like everything, it is necessary to unravel the truth of the false, to have the spirit of a researcher.

The Deep State: Are you so that it bothers you? : Lol:
Your backhand on this video is an unstoppable demonstration that convinced me of the falsity of everything it contains. Fortunately you're watching the grain! : Lol:
Honestly I do not care a bit about this video and the topic, as I always feel empowered to act on a personal level.

I like to shake a little consciousness and I like that I shake too *, that's how we advance.
* but not too much ... the dose is poisonous.

By cons I would have liked you to answer my previous message. : Mrgreen: since it follows from the initial subject and it is more constructive.
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Re: Greta facing the deputies

View Ahmed » 10/08/19, 10:20

Fabienne has 2 neurons.

That much?
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Re: Greta facing the deputies

View moinsdewatt » 17/08/19, 23:53

Hell is paved with good intentions :

Greta Thunberg: her trip by sailboat will require several flights by plane

By Author / Friday 16 August 2019

It is a paradox to which Greta Thunberg, very critical of the ecological consequences of flying, should be happy to answer. The young Swedish activist, who is due to attend a summit on the climate in New York the 23 next September, chose to go there crossing the Atlantic Ocean aboard a carbon sailboat considered very ecological - although sponsored by brands a little less eco-friendly. Problem: the organization of the trip at sea will require at least four transatlantic flights, reports the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung. A height.

" No choice "
And for good reason: according to the newspaper, two employees, who will have the task of bringing the boat back to Europe, will have to fly to the other side of the Atlantic. The German skipper accompanying Greta Thunberg, Boris Herrmann, will also return by air on the Old Continent. "Of course, they fly there, there is no choice," said Andreas Kling, spokesman for the athlete. "We organized the trip in a very short time. Therefore, two will have to go to the United States to bring back the boat, "confirmed a spokesman for the Malizia team at the Times. The father of the activist, Svante Thunberg, the Monegasque founder of the Malizia team who owns the sailboat, Pierre Casiraghi, and a filmmaker are also on board the yacht. Pierre Casiraghi, a shareholder in a helicopter company, is not really famous for his commitment to the environment. He will also return from the United States by plane.
........ ... ion-109945
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Re: Greta facing the deputies

View izentrop » 18/08/19, 00:56

And so, the important thing is the message of awareness. : Shock:

Current Values ​​rather supports climate skeptics and this is not the first time they have attacked Greta and the “climate catastrophists” as they call them.
This sleight of hand is a pure communication operation. The climato-catastrophist doctrine, of which Greta Thunberg is the herald, aims at dividing in order to better impose itself by distinguishing between the camp of the virtuous and that of the climate skeptics, those dreadful climate deniers that should be forbidden to speak. ... gie-109253
In the Novethic newspaper often cited here: An article missing from the site since
In its latest edition, the weekly Valeurs Actuelles pillories those it calls "ecology charlatans" mixing Greta Thunberg, Matthieu Orphelin, the Giec or Novethic. Its credo: "Official science" which warns about global warming, is not "real science". Video in support, the newspaper cites scientists of which it is not the discipline, who take true assertions to draw from them completely false conclusions. This mode of propaganda is spreading. He is dangerous because he sows doubt. ... 47422.html
Mathieu Orphelin's response to "Current values". ... osceptique
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Re: Greta facing the deputies

View Christophe » 19/08/19, 16:20

Everything is said ... no?

The megalo-mediato-manipulo-sponsored Greta Show must stop!

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Re: Greta facing the deputies

View GuyGadebois » 19/08/19, 22:01

It's scandalous!
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Re: Greta facing the deputies

View Janic » 21/08/19, 08:52

It's scandalous!
especially if she is seasick and revumes all that she has swallowed, it's wasteful! : Evil:
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Re: Greta facing the deputies

View Ahmed » 21/08/19, 13:05

No! Because it will be fully recycled (and in short circuit, please!) By the marine fauna ...
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Re: Greta facing the deputies

View Grelinette » 24/08/19, 11:53

All these remarks against Greta Thunberg give rise to questions and analysis ....

Even if Greta Thunberg is only an artefact of the alert movement of the "climate catastrophists", and that the positive effects of her approach will be neither exceptional nor up to the necessary means, we must not forget that Greta Thunberg is nothing more than a relay of the warning and anguish message on global warming, as are many others.

Even if Greta Thunberg is only a probable manipulated and sponsored media product, her message remains legitimate, and "Science is on her side", as Aurélien Barrau, Pablo Servigne, Yves Cochet and others emphasize.

So why so much criticism and aversion to him? ...
Why so much energy devoted to criticizing this atypical character?

As I pointed out before, we are striving on the Form while on the bottom there is nothing to say.

Is it the fact that it is a non-scientist who carries a scientific message?
Is it the fact that it is a teenager who comes to morality to adults?
Is it the fact that she finally finds a certain audience?

All these alert message carriers are nothing more than they are, and their actions have no other purpose than to simply encourage those who have the power to react.
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Re: Greta facing the deputies

View izentrop » 24/08/19, 13:30

I was going to put a "like" because our conclusions converge, but
Grelinette wrote: Greta Thunberg is only a likely media product handled and sponsored
is wrong, it follows its own convictions and is accountable to no one. She gets help, normal because the subject is large, but from there to be manipulated. : roll:
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