EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

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EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

by izentrop » 24/07/22, 07:09

Hell is paved with good intentions. This expression was written for supporters of rewilding, led by a merry band of city dwellers disconnected from the realities of our territory. So it burns.

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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

by gildas » 24/07/22, 12:02

EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

Do not exaggerate, some measures proposed by EELV are going in the right direction. (limitation of CO2 responsible for global warming and therefore fires)
... EELV ile de France asks that all alternatives to the individual car be developed:
- implementation of an emergency plan for public transport (bus and tram frequencies, new lines, creation of bus lanes, extended timetables, etc.) and incentive pricing per unit, for short journeys
-acceleration of the deployment of car-sharing by favoring the establishment of low-cost reserved parking
- implementation of on-demand transport services
-acceleration of the bicycle plans and the RER V... ... and-paris/
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

by Ahmed » 24/07/22, 13:23

I don't have any particular sympathy for EEVL, but it must be recognized that the video is easy and does not provide a consistent analysis of reality. Admittedly, DFCI routes are part of the necessary measures, but this is quite insufficient in view of the deplorable overall management of the Landes massif. This is easily demonstrated by the catastrophes that regularly overwhelm it.
Indeed, beyond the recurring climatic hazards in this area, a forest that has been parameterized according to the agricultural model, which was made possible by the flatness of the places and the nature of the soil could only lead to great disappointments. , once the periods of luck and fruitful harvests (which encouraged the perpetuation of the model) have passed: monoculture of eminently flammable trees in an area with hot and dry summers (windy to boot!).

Gildas; certain measures recommended by EELV are sympathetic, but more adapted to the economic transition than to a real positive change: how a reduction in local CO2 will change anything at the global level, since this CO2 will be "no matter what" issued elsewhere?
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

by Remundo » 24/07/22, 14:50

it is not global warming that is burning the Landes forests.

Ahmed brings some answers, huge surfaces, dry, homogeneous in wood and small vegetation, sometimes windy in a historically hot summer climate... on a secular scale! it's not 1°C more that changes much on the fires... So if we want to exploit the forests, we must ensure their protection!

: Arrow: It is necessary to arrange access roads, strategic basins for firefighters, and surveillance teams, to invest in equipment (4X4 tank truck, helicopter and plane).

Rather than paying good for nothing between 4 walls...

I crossed the moors at the beginning of July. It is not uncommon to drive 10 km without seeing anyone on the road in the middle of the day... I went along a road where several km had burned (but not this year); except on the Atlantic coast, it's a kind of no man's Landes!!

EELV, say about 7 bullshit for 3 relevant things, it's the foam on the sea...
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

by Ahmed » 24/07/22, 15:44

When I mentioned the "recurrent climatic hazards", I was not just referring to the fires that strike this massif quite regularly, just like the south-east, which is even more subject to summer heat (but in a well-known vegetal and topographical context). different), but also to the storms that bring down these fragile trees "by design". If appropriate access routes would favor the fight against fires, they would not however prevent them, since attacking the consequences and not the causes.
It seems that reflections are currently under way to consider a permanent redevelopment (?) of this territory, but in the best case it will take time, because annoying habits are well anchored and the Landes has historically constituted a laboratory for the industrialization of the forest; experiments that were then partly transposed elsewhere, as far as possible. The first results had been very encouraging, but the negative feedbacks were not long in coming...

NB: EELV has no monopoly on nonsense, alas...
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

by Remundo » 24/07/22, 15:51

and what do you offer in the Landes as an activity... if you remove the wood?

These are soils unsuitable for agriculture.
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

by Ahmed » 24/07/22, 16:01

A beautiful concrete colored in green, very clean... : Cheesy:
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

by Remundo » 24/07/22, 16:06

nice dodge... : roll:

because even your "wild forest" will have exactly the same problems as the "industrial" forest that you don't like. No doubt even more. Because without thinning and a firebreak, a natural forest burns even more.
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

by izentrop » 24/07/22, 17:00

Ahmed wrote:It seems that reflections are currently under way to consider a permanent redevelopment (?) of this territory, but in the best case it will take time, because annoying habits are well anchored and the Landes has historically constituted a laboratory for the industrialization of the forest; experiments that were then partly transposed elsewhere, as far as possible. The first results had been very encouraging, but the negative feedbacks were not long in coming...
They are forced to revise their method of reproduction because of the RC and the plodders of young plans
"disease, climate, water stress, soil depletion".

“Several studies have been carried out in parallel. In the end, there is a culprit, the climate. And accomplices, the animals”, continues the researcher. The Landes forest extends over one million hectares, 10% of which is dune forest, along the coast. Planted in the XNUMXth century to prevent the silting up of inhabited areas, it now supplies the paper pulp, wood panel or pallet industry and many sawmills.

Two concomitant factors were discovered: a dry microclimate and the increasing presence of herbivores such as roe deer and small rodents, which were increasingly numerous, attacking the young pine. "The shift towards somewhat warmer, somewhat drier summers has contributed to young pines not spending the summer", says the researcher, "the concern was to see this trend gradually spread to other sectors of the Landes forest".

At the same time, the teams brought up to date a reforestation technique abandoned since the 1960s. This involves no longer carrying out clear cuts but maintaining after cutting "several adult trees which will guarantee partial shade and less drying of the air during the day". This allows "young seedlings to better resist summer aridity", he says.

With its constraints: "You have to plan a second delicate harvest for the large trees that have been maintained, without damaging the young trees which have had so much trouble growing", adds Laurent Augusto.
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

by Remundo » 24/07/22, 17:10

Roe deer and other young plant eaters are not due to RC or a problem specific to the Landes.

We have the same concerns in Auvergne, a much colder mountainous climate.

Simply the herbivorous game is no longer hunted enough, and finds enough food.

In winter, when the grass is scarcer, they try to eat the tops of the shoots.

But there's even more con still: the deer rub their antlers against the trees (when they are bigger), it is believed that the trees have been saved by 10-15 years, and well no: some trees can dry out because of this.

We keep shouting about global warming, while the main factors of the mess is the lack of human regulation in the forests.
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