EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

View Ahmed » 24/07/22, 17:39

Okay, that was a joke, but quite in tune with the content of the question, I think.
A "natural" forest no longer makes much sense at the stage we are at, but a more respectful vision of nature and freeing itself from the diktat of strict utilitarianism (which necessarily leads to short-termism, an absurd notion in the forest estate) would be better able to adapt to the changes underway. A greater diversity of population and the end of the predominance of conifers, which obey only a financial perspective, would be more resilient, as much with respect to predators, parasites as fires and storms. Some forests are already managed according to this orientation, which should be encouraged.
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

View Janic » 25/07/22, 13:07

Simply the herbivorous game is no longer hunted enough, and finds enough food.
following the elimination of natural predators regulating other animals. But when man hunts (maniacs of the trigger) he does it without respecting this natural regulation and he ends up taking himself for an ecologist! : Evil:
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

View Remundo » 25/07/22, 13:17

if you're talking about bears and wolves, it's true.

However, you know well the problem of their "coexistence" with the herds...
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 25/07/22, 14:01

Bears, wolves, lynxes, wild boars (yes, yes), domestic dogs (a lot), birds of prey...
In Walonia, dogs are responsible for the majority of fatal attacks: ... =6424#tab5
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

View Janic » 25/07/22, 14:36

25/07/22, 13:17
if you're talking about bears and wolves, it's true.
However, you know well the problem of their "coexistence" with the herds...
false problem due to this mania that humans have to appropriate everything that surrounds it for its sole use and for this it has eliminated its natural competitors. So we confuse cause and effect.

25/07/22, 14:01
Bears, wolves, lynxes, wild boars (yes, yes), domestic dogs (a lot), birds of prey...
each one having its role without being opposed, except the domestic dogs.
In Walonia, dogs are responsible for the majority of fatal attacks: ... =6424#tab5
very just! Once again the man being the cause.
For example, for wild animals, parents educate their young to kill only for food. The slaughter of the parents, especially the mother, leads to the uneducated little ones ending up killing, by instinct, without the need for subsistence, just for the pleasure of killing (like humans for that matter!)
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

View Ahmed » 25/07/22, 15:39

Janic, excessive predation also has another cause: the gathering of penned domestic animals often triggers an irrational decimation because this situation* does not exist in nature, on the other hand because domestic animals no longer have the defense capabilities of their wild ancestors...

* The panic of prey triggers an attack reflex in the predator: in front of a potentially threatening dog (in reality trying to intimidate you), if you start to flee, you are sure to be bitten...
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

View Janic » 25/07/22, 17:30

very just! Moreover, the herds no longer have males with the fearsome horns that predators feared. It makes you wonder if they don't do it on purpose to be compensated?! 8)
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 25/07/22, 19:05

izentrop wrote:Hell is paved with good intentions. This expression was written for supporters of rewilding, led by a merry band of city dwellers disconnected from the realities of our territory. So it burns.

Izy tries to make us swallow, through the intermediary of a fat con of an ultra-activist hunter, that it is because of disconnected city dwellers (sic) that the area burned down while the Baillette dates from 1468 and the Transaction from 1604 ( The forest management method has been in place for 500 years, roughly...)! Not bad... : Mrgreen: : roll: :(
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

View Janic » 25/07/22, 20:28

izMENTROP(hell is precisely that his hell is paved with bad intentions.
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Re: EELV: dogmatism that burns forests

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 25/07/22, 23:11

Janic wrote:izMENTROP(hell is precisely that his hell is paved with bad intentions.

Both his hell and his paradise are paved with bullshit.
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