2020 USA election poll - Biden VS Trump - Biden wins

Humanitarian catastrophes (including resource wars and conflicts), natural, climate and industrial (except nuclear or oil forum fossil and nuclear energy). Pollution of the sea and oceans.

Who will win the 2020 US presidential elections?

The poll expired on 03 / 12 / 20, 17: 25

Donald TRUMP?
Draw ?
no votes
Total votes: 7
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Re: 2020 USA Election Poll

by Obamot » 04/11/20, 04:16

Trump 98 (re-correction of the prognosis)
Biden 131
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Re: 2020 USA Election Poll

by Obamot » 04/11/20, 05:01

Trump 98
Biden 135
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“Evil” carries within itself its own condemnation”

List of alleged fake noses in “ignored”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour, alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc.
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Re: 2020 USA Election Poll

by Obamot » 04/11/20, 05:12

Trump 114
Biden 187

ABC News

Democrats lack 18 votes to control the “House of Representatives” (45 votes for Republicans)

For the Senate, the 2 parties are neck and neck (with 1 vote)
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“Evil” carries within itself its own condemnation”

List of alleged fake noses in “ignored”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour, alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc.
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Re: 2020 USA Election Poll

by Obamot » 04/11/20, 06:27

Trump 136
Biden 205

At this point, I don't think Trump can hope to catch up enough.
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“Evil” carries within itself its own condemnation”

List of alleged fake noses in “ignored”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour, alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc.
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Re: 2020 USA Election Poll

by Christophe » 04/11/20, 09:26


If Trump can take the biggest beating in US history that will be a bonus !! 8)

So you stayed up all night? The cow !
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Re: 2020 USA Election Poll

by Christophe » 04/11/20, 09:32

He will mess around until the end !! : Evil: : Evil:

US Presidential: Trump claims victory and promises Supreme Court appeal

Millions of Americans voted to decide between the Republican president and the Democratic candidate. Discover in real time the results of this historic election.

Or does he want to try the same method as Bush 2 again? : Shock: : Shock:

Damn it is tightening!

235 - 213

https://www.leparisien.fr/international ... 406469.php
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Re: 2020 USA Election Poll

by Macro » 04/11/20, 10:47

Christophe wrote:
Or does he want to try the same method as Bush 2 again? : Shock: : Shock:

He doesn't want ... He'll ...
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Re: 2020 USA Election Poll

by Obamot » 04/11/20, 10:55

Are we screwed with electronic voting?
Christophe wrote:YAIIIISSSE YOU COULD !!

If Trump can take the biggest beating in US history that will be a bonus !! 8)

So you stayed up all night? The cow !

It's not true ... I have a 'meme'. : Cheesy: : Cheesy: : Cheesy:
I slept like a baby. :D
: Arrow: I would wake up with a start, I would cry, Mom would breastfeed me, I would write down the score and I would go to sleep immediately. : Cheesy:
Then suddenly I would wake up again with a start, I was whining (and like that all night ...)
: Arrowl:

Trump 213
Biden 238

Anyway, with their "deep state" they will continue almost the same policy they have been doing for 50 years, no matter which party wins, elections are a formality ... a valve to lull the crowds. .. : Shock: : roll: : Evil:
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“Evil” carries within itself its own condemnation”

List of alleged fake noses in “ignored”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour, alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc.
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Re: 2020 USA Election Poll

by ABC2019 » 04/11/20, 11:01

Obamot wrote:Trump 213
Biden 238

Pennsylvania has stopped its count and they have gone to bed, it will resume at 10:30 am at home, 16:30 pm French time. It is very possible that the final result is determined by its results, suddenly, we will not have the answer until very late tonight or tomorrow (in the best case ...)
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Re: 2020 USA Election Poll

by Obamot » 04/11/20, 11:09

... Can I go to sleep until tomorrow then? : Cheesy:
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“Evil” carries within itself its own condemnation”

List of alleged fake noses in “ignored”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour, alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc.

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