Earthquake: Earthquake activity in the Earth she accelerates?

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View Christophe » 09/11/15, 13:32

Arnaud M wrote:Thank you to Christophe in 2011 for having felt that something was happening and for alerting us to this increase in disasters, the link of which I did not understand with the increase in climatic disasters, that of the increase in volcanoes assets, or train or plane accidents.

Thank you Arnaud! :D Econology whistleblower not only in the field of energy and pollution!

However, I still find it hard to see the links with plane or train accidents ...

Arnaud M wrote:Make the connection with the plane crashes of the last week and the various "problems" which led to airport closures.

Can you develop?
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View Arnaud M » 11/11/15, 10:21

As soon as the earth's crust moves, it causes EMP (electromagnetic pulses) coming from the earth (and not from the sun like those we are used to). Suddenly the planes, especially the Low Cost which do not have all the redundant electronics, can fall or have lots of problems.

It also explains the luminous phenomena that we observe in the sky, like lately the west coast of the United States (the government preferred to explain that it had launched a Trident missile of several tons on populated areas of its own population that d admit that the ground is moving, which says a lot about disinformation and the level of credulity of the population in passing ...).

It is linked to a page that I had already linked: ... /2015.html

I fell back on this post by doing research on the volcanism part, since 2013 we seem to have got used to these earthquakes more and more frequent! This is the disadvantage of gradually heating the jar of the frog ...
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View moinsdewatt » 11/11/15, 11:43

Arnaud M wrote:As soon as the earth's crust moves, it causes EMP (electromagnetic pulses) coming from the earth (and not from the sun like those we are used to). Suddenly the planes, especially the Low Cost which do not have all the redundant electronics, can fall or have lots of problems.

What are these rubbish!
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View sen-no-sen » 11/11/15, 12:52

moinsdewatt wrote:
Arnaud M wrote:As soon as the earth's crust moves, it causes EMP (electromagnetic pulses) coming from the earth (and not from the sun like those we are used to). Suddenly the planes, especially the Low Cost which do not have all the redundant electronics, can fall or have lots of problems.

What are these rubbish!

Friction between rocks in areas subject to high geological pressure can cause large-scale electrostatic discharges, which can manifest as an aerial phenomenon.
These discoveries being still very recent, there remains a certain part of ignorance of the scientists on the impact of its phenomena on the aerial activity.
Ex of atypical aerial phenomenon observed before the earthquake in Sichuan (China) in 2008:

A team of researchers has managed to explain the geological mechanisms underlying the appearance of mysterious lights during an earthquake. According to their study, these gleams would be produced by electric currents generated within the fault of the earthquake. Witnesses of an earthquake sometimes report the existence of a strange phenomenon that manifests itself in the form of lights in the sky. These lights usually appear before, during or even after the disaster. If it is a recurrent phenomenon, these appearances generally take on completely different aspects. The shape, colors and duration vary depending on the earthquake. Since 1965, the authenticity of these events has been recognized by the scientific community, thanks to a series of photos taken during an earthquake in Nagano, Japan. Since then, many images and video sequences bear witness to the different forms taken by this phenomenon. Some witness, for example, the appearance of flickering lights ten centimeters above the ground just seconds before the terrible earthquake that struck Italy in 2009.

More: ... 31738.html
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View moinsdewatt » 11/11/15, 13:00

The rubbish I was talking about is `` the Low Cost that do not have all the redundant electronics ''

Planes, whether lowcost or large companies, have the same need to comply with FAA safety regulations for the USA and EASA for Europe.
Electronics is redundant for everyone.

Civilian planes resist lightning from thunderstorms, so it's not electrostatic phenomena at ground level that will hinder them.
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View sen-no-sen » 11/11/15, 13:42

moinsdewatt wrote:The rubbish I was talking about is `` the Low Cost that do not have all the redundant electronics ''

Planes, whether lowcost or large companies, have the same need to comply with FAA safety regulations for the USA and EASA for Europe.
Electronics is redundant for everyone.

Absolutely, the low cost is only an indication of the level of comfort and performance inside the aircraft, not of the technologies used.

Civilian planes resist lightning from thunderstorms, so it's not electrostatic phenomena at ground level that will hinder them.

Its phenomena unfolds far beyond the ground, but even in the upper atmosphere.
For the rest difficult to assert something.
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View Did67 » 11/11/15, 16:52

Arnaud M wrote:
Suddenly the planes, especially the Low Cost which do not have all the redundant electronics, can fall or have lots of problems.

Oh my God !!!!

1) There are no Airbuses or Boeings for low costs and others for large companies!

An aircraft is allowed to fly in its "approved" configuration! Basta.

Moreover, the serious low costs pull the prices by having modern fleets [Ryanair has just bought 300 Boeings at once!]. The cost of the aircraft is better "made profitable" by having the planes always in the air (30 minutes for a stopover) and only one or two models. Not cutting back on the equipment.

The company is low cost, not the plane! They do not fly with Dacia!

2) A little common sense: can you cite the crash of low costs such as Ryanair, Easyjet, Vueling, Thomas Cook ... ??? [sparing me German Wings, in which the plane is not involved]

On the other hand, for Air France, for example, the list is long ... Or Malaysia, which is not a "low cost".

When I talk about low cost, obviously, I'm not talking about phony companies that, with the complacency of their control authorities, fly with wrecks ...

3) If we are a little serious, the reason is very simple: there have never been so many planes "in the air". At any time t somewhere in the world there are about 10 planes in the air. And on average, 000 people!

It has continued to increase.

So there are a few more accidents, even if the rate has continued to drop!

There is a way to find out before writing any bullshit: ... age-2.html
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View chatelot16 » 11/11/15, 17:26

static electricity due to phenomenon under ground ??? you have to say that on April XNUMXst ...

the ground conducts electricity, it absolutely cannot send electric fields to planes

phenomena underground can just make some anomaly can be measurable with sensitive material, but never anything comparable to the real storms
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View sen-no-sen » 11/11/15, 17:50

chatelot16 wrote:static electricity due to phenomenon under ground ??? you have to say that on April XNUMXst ...

the ground conducts electricity, he absolutely cannot not send electric fields to planes

phenomena underground can just make some anomaly can be measurable with sensitive material, but never anything comparable to the real storms

It's a peremptory statement,the ionization of air caused by electrostatic phenomena of geological origin is a scientifically established fact.
Now - knowing whether or not - whether such discharges can have any impact on aircraft flying over them is another set of questions ...

With regard to the question of the increase in the number of earthquakes observed, it is necessary to take into account several factors:

1) In the age of the Internet, all information concerning an earthquake is relayed at very high speed by the media.

2) The increase in the world population necessarily exposes an increasing number of individuals to violent natural phenomena, which increases the dissipation of information on the subject.

3) Earthquakes do not escape - like many other phenomena - the laws of statistical mechanics, in particular the law 1 / f , which implies that earthquakes do not occur according to a well established rhythm, but rather according to a logic of "series".
Last edited by sen-no-sen the 11 / 11 / 15, 18: 02, 4 edited once.
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View Did67 » 11/11/15, 17:53

Small addition:

- the 'low cost' model hardly makes sense on long-haul routes, because the time that it is possible to 'scratch' at the stopover, when boarding, etc. becomes negligible; therefore the " low costs "thrive on short and medium distances

Ryanair or Easyjet are never attacked on the transatlantic, for example.

- however, accidents occurring mainly on take-off and landing, a long-haul aircraft performing one or two rotations per day is necessarily less exposed than a short-haul aircraft which performs ten rotations during the day ...

The "low costs" should therefore, statistically, have more accidents than Air France for example! [not to mention "self-employed" pilots; or much more solicited: successive landings / take-offs, where in a long-haul one pawns and one watches the automatic pilot a little]
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