Earthquake: Earthquake activity in the Earth she accelerates?

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View dedeleco » 28/02/12, 19:49

At first glance the apparent increase in earthquakes follows the growth of the human population, development and further education of populations less primitive, as much as anything else.
Indeed the more men, the more sensors and suffering, we hear about if they have a minimum of education, such 60% of the world population has a mobile subscription !!
Earthquakes and tsunamis in Indonesia, existed, 50 years ago, but we did not hear talk !!! ... 0212.shtml
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View Christophe » 28/02/12, 19:54

Certain "major works" certainly also have an influence: mining, gas, oil operations which permanently displace billions of tonnes on or from the earth's layer ... but also large hydraulic dams ...
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View elephant » 28/02/12, 20:36

Anyway, in any "natural" phenomenon: distribution of maps, weather, births, avalanches, whatever else, there are peaks and troughs.

I will not speculate me to be envisaged © © tender that human activities is there for something.

On the other hand, the "press" (in the extended sense) certainly influences the perception of the facts. Do you know what was going on in Siberia before 1914, do you? Me neither.
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View Christophe » 11/04/12, 12:32

An earthquake that feels more 9 the richter!

Indonesia: Earthquake 8,7 off Sumatra, tsunami warning

The American Institute of Geophysics issued a tsunami warning, which applies to all the Indian Ocean.

A 8,7 magnitude earthquake occurred Wednesday off the western coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, said the American Institute of Geophysics (USGS), causing the launch of a tsunami warning across the entire Indian Ocean.

The earthquake occurred Wednesday 8h38 GMT, in 33 km deep and about 430 km southwest of Banda Aceh, capital of Aceh province, the USGS said.

(...) ... ami_810922
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View dedeleco » 11/04/12, 12:51

It is a direct extension to the south of that of 2004 end, but not as strong as replicas of 2004, 2004 after it had occurred.

Quasi high replica of 2004 !!
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View Christophe » 11/04/12, 14:27

It is given to 8.9 now ...
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View dedeleco » 30/05/12, 13:47

Earthquakes in northern Italy, are worrisome, Almost 6 strength, repeated over a fairly large area, with heavy destruction and death. ... eisme.html

There are over 700 years it n 'there had been no serious earthquakes in this region, given the age of some buildings.
But Italy does not stop shaking. ... _en_Italie

They could however indicate a destabilization of the entire region, very secure, and be precursors of a much bigger earthquake, under the Alps, because the north of Italy, disappearing under the Alps, looks a lot off Japan where the bottom of the Pacific disappears under Japan, creating the enormous elevation of Japan (+ 11000m above the near ocean floor).
The same, Northern Italy which puts under the Alps and SwitzerlandBut the speed is 10 times lower movement (mm instead of 8 cm in Japan) and therefore the enormous breaks are at least ten times less often for the Alps but also some for Japan by changing the scale 10 time a factor.

And that of Japan from March 11 2011 occurs almost every year 1000, in the same place and therefore the Alps, a similar, 9 strength, breaking everything, happens every 10000ans about, So as to Japan, he, with very large earthquakes all to 50 100 years, it is certain of the Alps and the Rhone, that such strong earthquakes than Japan, breaking everything with [b] hundreds of thousands of deaths, Saw our totally unsuitable buildings, occur every 500 1000 in years. occur in this region, with mountains: the Alps, Switzerland, Rhone Valley and the Pyrenees, Spain [/ b].

It has a short memory, but large latter are 1755 Lisbon, Basel and 650 years ago.

All of this earthquakes in Italy might be precursors, such as precursors of the earthquake of Japan 11mars2011.

The great difficulty is that it can also be precursor nothing to chance and therefore it is completely in the dark, but it is certain that this destabilizing, brings us a lot bigger in the future, but when mystery, a month, a year, a century ???

statistical law everywhere on earth: ... -notes.pdf

This law, strength versus number of earthquakes, Gutenberg-Richter law is valid everywhere, roughly in 1 / force in magnitude (ie 1 / Log (energy) really))Eg for France, weaker than the rest of the world in appearance, because we are in a period of rest, waiting for the huge earthquake that will crack all (million dead for us) and unlock to the law verified elsewhere in the world, such as Japan, and the Ring of fire.


the ? matches our short memory, shorter than that of the Japanese, and when well next big earthquake, with a million deaths, , here unlock all and will go up the curve of the Alps, the Rhone and Switzerland to the value of the rest of the world, as in the north of Italy at the moment, unlocked, with multiplications earthquakes.

It's the same as north of San Francisco western USA and Canada, where the big earthquake occurs while breaking all about 400 years, very quiet in earthquakes currently blocked on the very large, in less de100 years, as 1700Registered, date, day and time, with an incomprehensible tsunami in Japan !!!

So, we should build anti-seismic everywhere, without nuclear power, because given our current situation, with no anti-seismic protection, we risk the million dead, with lots of nuclear power plants in distress, as in Japan, completely overwhelmed by the scale of the disaster.

C; Allegre completely derailed when he says that we risk nothing in France, because there are few earthquakes !!
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View netshaman » 30/05/12, 14:33

I was wondering if these earthquakes are not correlated with the global warming.
Indeed, the internal heat of the core that s 'escapes into space to maintain a thermal balance it would not be affected by the warming which prevents this heat s' escape properly?
And thus cracking of the crust extra would be required to increase the temperature gradient to achieve a threshold of proper exchange with the space?
Like putting an orange in a furnace, and his skin craquele to try to evacuate the heat from the pulp in order to avoid that it broke up.
I recall that this planet is larger that a grain of sand al ladder of the universe!
Just a guess!
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View dedeleco » 30/05/12, 15:02

Unlikely, because changes in surface T are strong on short time, much more than the answering © warming means and they pà © nètrent very little deep underground by thermal diffusion, 3 at a 6m year 30 at 60m on 100 years 300 at 600m on 10000 years 3 6km at the million year © es !! (Time © square of the distance).

The heat flux in the soil 1 ° C 30m approximately corresponds à à © the thickness of the Earth's crust over hundreds of millions of year © es, background renewal time ocean © years, and all those which is under the continents at 30 60km at depth.

So since earthquakes are at least at 5 10km at depth, they can not be influenced © s, by what has passed © there are hundreds of thousands of years © es, the variations shorter T does not changing T in depth.

See diffusività © wikipedia.

The areas at volcanoes increase the heat flow too low, otherwise the à © ejection of magma and cover © bank of the continents floating above the internal magma.
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View dedeleco » 30/05/12, 16:32 ... -notes.pdf


So a chance to cover 10 © clencher much stronger that more breaks (3O times in à © energy)!
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