State of mind for a viable future

Humanitarian catastrophes (including resource wars and conflicts), natural, climate and industrial (except nuclear or oil forum fossil and nuclear energy). Pollution of the sea and oceans.
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

by sicetaitsimple » 02/08/20, 22:56

Sylvestre spiritus wrote:Watch the eneco holding demo video carefully, and you will see that it is possible ...

I did not look on Youtube if there were videos of Gérard Majax ....
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

by eclectron » 02/08/20, 23:51

Brown's gas would be a mixture of 4 molecules.
H2, O2, H1, O1, without specifying the respective proportions.
The whole being globally stoichiometric, since it results from the electrolysis of water ... f/download

I admit not knowing how we can say that there is H1 and O1 in H2 and O2.
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

by Obamot » 03/08/20, 00:11

Sylvestre spiritus wrote:
Why has it not developed? conflicts of interest and the refusal of academic science to question itself.
In fact, humanity is not (yet) ready ...

For me and until proven guilty, Samuel Brown's vacuum engine would have performed poorly.

On the other hand, hydrogen and oxygen are very unstable elements, which is why fuel cells have been preferred over other gas methods.
So it leaves me a little unmoved :D
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

by eclectron » 03/08/20, 07:15

Fable of the strongest tree in the forest
“There was a tree that wonders how it can become the strongest in the forest. He said to himself that if he had more leaves, he could then have more chlorophyll and with the sun more energy to be stronger. But then it will have more leaves which will fall in the fall, which will make more food for fungi and bacteria. These will then make more humus to nourish the tree, making it stronger. He can then make more flowers, which will attract more bees. These will allow it to make more fruit, which will attract more birds. These birds will leave their droppings to feed it and make it even stronger. The tree realizes that it is only stronger if it gives others what it no longer needs and it receives from others in return without asking for anything.

However, he has a problem: he doesn't like earthworms. He doesn't like them because he doesn't know where their tail is and where their head is, and he never dared to ask them. The tree therefore hates earthworms. Since he is the strongest in the forest, he could make them all leave. But he doesn't, because the tree knows that without earthworms it couldn't be the strongest tree in the forest. "

How do we apply this fable to our everyday lives?
We can see in this story a beautiful natural example of circular economy. What is waste for one is raw material for another. This applies everywhere in our society. To strive towards zero waste, we must no longer see something as waste so we no longer need it. What is no longer useful to us will be useful to someone else. It's a new way of thinking to adopt on a daily basis. ... -la-foret/
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

by eclectron » 03/08/20, 07:31

Sylvestre spiritus wrote:
Watch the eneco holding demo video carefully, and you will see that it is possible ...

It's true I had not paid attention to the behavior of the gas bubbles generated, it no longer explodes but it still burns.
I would still be curious to see a spark in a compressed brown gas cylinder : Lol:
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

by Obamot » 03/08/20, 07:49

eclectron wrote:It's true I had not paid attention to the behavior of the gas bubbles generated, it no longer explodes but it still burns.
I would still be curious to see a spark in a compressed brown gas cylinder : Lol:

But be careful not to turn the rest a little into phishing (which should not fill some gaps in physics / chemistry ...)
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“Evil” carries within itself its own condemnation”

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Re: State of mind for a viable future

by eclectron » 03/08/20, 08:22

Obamot wrote:But be careful not to turn the rest a little into phishing (which should not fill some gaps in physics / chemistry ...)

I do not understand the introduction of the concept of phishing? what do you mean ?
Getting caught because of a deficiency in physics / chemistry?
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

by izentrop » 03/08/20, 08:46

eclectron wrote:
Sylvestre spiritus wrote:Watch the eneco holding demo video carefully, and you will see that it is possible ...
It's true I had not paid attention to the behavior of the gas bubbles generated, it no longer explodes but it still burns.
Oh dear! I hadn't understood either that that's what it was necessary to see, so it's normal.

Hydrogen molecules are so light and volatile that they diffuse rapidly in the air. When he points his lighter, only a flammable proportion remains, it makes sense.
I would still be curious to see a spark in a compressed brown gas cylinder : Lol:
Even uncompressed it must already fart : Mrgreen:
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

by eclectron » 03/08/20, 08:52

izentrop wrote:Hydrogen molecules are so light and volatile that they diffuse rapidly in the air.

Good point, of course hydrogen is the most difficult thing to trap.
However I would have thought that the bubbles (of soap?) And the rather short time of the demo, would not change the composition of the gas so quickly.
Last edited by eclectron the 03 / 08 / 20, 08: 54, 3 edited once.
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

by ABC2019 » 03/08/20, 08:53

Sylvestre spiritus wrote:To answer you briefly eclectron, brown's gas is not a mixture of molecules in the form of H2 and O2 as you might expect.
Not to drift off, the most exhaustive link on the subject:

Why has it not developed? conflicts of interest and the refusal of academic science to question itself.
In fact, humanity is not (yet) ready ...
Today we are in a monoculture of the mind and everyone knows how sterile it is in the long term.
You only have to see all the troubles encountered by the inventors of the different water engines !!!

if a brilliant inventor has found a solution to produce energy, the easiest way is for him to cobble together a small generator to power an inverter and cancel his subscription to the electricity grid.

Do you know an example?
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