State of mind for a viable future

Humanitarian catastrophes (including resource wars and conflicts), natural, climate and industrial (except nuclear or oil forum fossil and nuclear energy). Pollution of the sea and oceans.
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

View ABC2019 » 20/07/20, 15:19

Obamot wrote:Yes but now it looks like I pushed you to the splits ... : Cheesy:

not really.
This sentence does not mean anything. Ru told me it was “expensive”, I proved it wasn't. Just because they don't do it (and they do ...) doesn't mean it's expensive .... Paralogism ...

it may also suggest that your "proof" is a bit rotten too ...
In short, a few reasons:

I'm not talking about petroleum, petroleum is hardly used for electricity any more. What is used is: coal, gas, nuclear power, hydraulics, and a little PV and wind power. We do not really see why thermodynamic solar energy would be discarded if it is not expensive.
ABC2019 wrote:
- It costs zero ore and ...

that's joke ... you make a thermodynamic power station with wood and leaves yourself?

I was telling you about the fuel. Or there, the whole industry must stop ... You will have to occupy people : Cheesy:

don't worry, when there is more oil, there will be work, just for food ...

ABC2019 wrote:
- 80% of the energy received is convertible into directly usable energy.

ooh there ... no Carnot output in your plant? what's your hot spring and cold spring temperature?

Where did you see that I was talking about “yield”, this is downstream, in fact thermodynamic solar energy is 30% no more, since I have already said it (while nuclear .... but ok, let's talk about something else) : Mrgreen:

ah, "% of the energy received is convertible into energy that can be directly exploited", isn't that a return for you?

ABC2019 wrote:
If you think it would be expensive, name an energy source that would be affordable in comparison ...?!?!?
And who wouldn't produce Co2 ...?!?!?

there is not any. That's why we continue to produce CO2 precisely ...

Yes, solar ...

it's crazy that there is only here that it is known anyway ....
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

View eclectron » 26/07/20, 07:50

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Re: State of mind for a viable future

View Obamot » 26/07/20, 11:38

eclectron wrote:

Preserve and sort gravid Saint-Pierre females (and other species) so as not to fish them and allow them to multiply
300 million eggs per female : Shock: - to avoid the depletion of fishing stocks ... Had to think about it!

You will see that there will be a troll who will tell you “that there is no randomized double-blind study to prove it!" : Cheesy:
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

View eclectron » 27/07/20, 12:06

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Re: State of mind for a viable future

View Sylvester spiritus » 30/07/20, 23:45

eclectron wrote:

Thank you Eclectron for this sharing and your patience on this thread ... (I didn't have time to view your last post)

I particularly appreciated the end with the number of French innovations that were not marketed in France.

the idea of ​​dying of thirst next to the fountain leads me to this reflection:

Already in 1874, in his novel L'Ile mystérieuse, Jules Vernes presented water as the coal of the future ...
Almost 150 years later, the main production of hydrogen is obtained by reforming methane, which releases tons of CO2.
However, there are many other avenues like this:

In this demo, the electrolysis is improved by a catalyst which also keeps the oxygen inactive until it is reduced to water.
Result: it is an implosion which presents suddenly less risk.
There are also multiple forms of water molecules, some of which have higher energy levels such as the ortho isomer, and there are multiple ways to split this molecule which naturally photolyses in the atmosphere under UVV.

The most surprising thing, when we are interested in biology, is that we realize that our mitochondria (the energy factories of our cells) work on the same principle: they reduce oxygen to water (cytochrome oxidase and ATP synthase) to recover the energy produced by ATP.
And it dates from the Great Oxidation, more than 2 billion years ago ... it's not sustainable that !!!

Europe releases 1 billion euros for green innovations and Germany 6 for clean hydrogen.
We bet that all these sums are not wasted : Cry:

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Re: State of mind for a viable future

View Obamot » 31/07/20, 00:19

Sylvestre spiritus wrote:Already in 1874, in his novel L'Ile mystérieuse, Jules Vernes presented water as the coal of the future ...
Almost 150 years later, the main production of hydrogen is obtained by reforming methane, which releases tons of CO2.
In this demo, electrolysis is improved by a catalyst which also makes it possible to keep the inactive oxygen until it is reduced to water.
Result: it is an implosion which presents suddenly less risk.
There are also multiple forms of water molecules, some of which have higher energy levels such as the ortho isomer, and there are multiple ways to split this molecule which naturally photolyses in the atmosphere under UVV.

The most surprising thing, when we are interested in biology, is that we realize that our mitochondria (the energy factories of our cells) work on the same principle: they reduce oxygen to water (cytochrome oxidase and ATP synthase) to recover the energy produced by ATP.
And it dates from the Great Oxidation, more than 2 billion years ago ... it's not sustainable that !!!

Europe releases 1 billion euros for green innovations and Germany 6 for clean hydrogen.
We bet that all these sums are not wasted : Cry:


The Germans and the Swiss had to pass laws to get out of nuclear power, in order to force investments in renewable energies ... And new discoveries are going well ...

Do not forget the thermodynamic solar for electrolysis WITHOUT Co2 ... Because it will require large volumes.
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

View eclectron » 01/08/20, 19:43

Sylvestre spiritus wrote:
eclectron wrote:

Thank you Eclectron for this sharing and your patience on this thread ...

Funny that people tell me this now, when my patience has left me, precisely : Lol:
I didn't say it but now I'm only posting to trace things I'm interested in for future use when I have time.
If someone else is interested in what I'm posting in the meantime, great : Wink:
If someone else contributes, so much the better too : Wink:

I had already mentioned it a little, I am heading towards concrete action at the individual and then local level.
I wasted too much time (in nothingness (?)) Trying to convince that another society is possible,
convince that it is a simple question of will, a simple question of lucid observation.
The lucid observation and the simple actions which result from it, it is not easy for everyone. : roll:

Sylvestre spiritus wrote: the idea of ​​dying of thirst next to the fountain brings me to this reflection

Indeed, the situation of humanity is perfectly summed up in this sentence.

I saw your video and another from the same Japanese company.
It is not very clear to me, I have the impression that they are "adding water" to a hydrocarbon.
The idea is to reduce the share of fossil hydrocarbons (50 to 70%) in fuels.
Unless they promote several processes?

Sylvestre spiritus wrote: Result: it is an implosion which presents suddenly less risk.

It's a detail, but I don't know why this urban legend persists. All combustion goes through an explosion phase and then goes through an implosion phase, the gases cooling.
Hydrogen does go through an explosion phase first. It is this phase which would be useful in an internal combustion engine for example. The implosion phase occurs with the much later cooling of water vapor into water.

Sylvestre spiritus wrote: The most surprising thing, when we are interested in biology, is that we realize that our mitochondria (the energy factories of our cells) work on the same principle: they reduce oxygen to water (cytochrome oxidase and ATP synthase) to recover the energy produced by ATP.
And it dates from the Great Oxidation, more than 2 billion years ago ... it's not sustainable that !!!

Europe releases 1 billion euros for green innovations and Germany 6 for clean hydrogen.

Thank you for this info, I did not know.
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

View Sylvester spiritus » 01/08/20, 21:23

eclectron wrote:

Sylvestre spiritus wrote: Result: it is an implosion which presents suddenly less risk.

It's a detail, but I don't know why this urban legend persists. All combustion goes through an explosion phase and then goes through an implosion phase, the gases cooling.
Hydrogen does go through an explosion phase first. It is this phase which would be useful in an internal combustion engine for example. The implosion phase occurs with the much later cooling of water vapor into water.

Sorry for forgetting:
Regarding the implosion, I pass the direct link: gas business
The main difference is that the gas burns with its own oxygen ...

HHO implosion.PNG
implosion HHO.PNG (316.47 KiB) Viewed 2019 times
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

View eclectron » 02/08/20, 08:07

Thanks for the link, I wasn't very curious about the matter. : Wink:
There are indeed 2 different technologies offered by Eneco.

Regarding electrolysis, the subtleties announced on HHO = Brown's gas = Oxyhydrogen escape me.
I doubt a little the beautiful graphic on the implosion since it contradicts my common sense but hey, chemistry and I have never been very good friends, so anything is possible, including me to smoke : Lol:

The Eneco patent on electrolysis is over 20 years old and has expired .... I doubt its great interest.
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Re: State of mind for a viable future

View Sylvester spiritus » 02/08/20, 18:22

To answer you briefly eclectron, brown's gas is not a mixture of molecules in the form of H2 and O2 as you might expect.
Not to drift off, the most exhaustive link on the subject:

Why has it not developed? conflicts of interest and the refusal of academic science to question itself.
In fact, humanity is not (yet) ready ...
Today we are in a monoculture of the mind and everyone knows how sterile it is in the long term.
You only have to see all the troubles encountered by the inventors of the different water engines !!!

But the most important is not there:

To know where you are going, you have to know where you come from!

A brief recap of the history of water:
"It formed very early in the universe because its formation from hydrogen and oxygen gives off a lot of energy. It was therefore able to form even in the cold interstellar medium and exists in colossal quantities in the universe. universe mainly in the form of ice or vapor.
Regarding our solar system, she participated in shaping it with the ice condensation line that separates the telluric planets from the gas giants.
Present on Earth in a liquid state, it has enabled Life.
I pass this link so as not to write a novel about the dance of water and CO2 on our planet: ... des-etapes

Finally, the latest research in biology allows us to understand that we ourselves operate on the energy of water:
(see oxygen metabolism)
In fact, All Aerobic Living "burns" water to function, so we are "water engines" !!! :P
When humanity understands and integrates this, we can maybe really hope for a "viable future" ...
It may be tomorrow the day before, I dare to hope ...

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