Search an email application on Android to "read" the site

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Adrien (ex-nico239)
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Search an email application on Android to "read" the site

View Adrien (ex-nico239) » 06/11/17, 22:30

This is what the title of this topic covers.

I would like to know what Android email app you are using ...

Applications, of course, to display the links contained in the emails of notifications sent by the forum to post a new answer in a topic.

If I ask this is that many Android email applications do NOT know how to display these links in clickable form.

I tested (the windows email app tests being a second passion) a big package of Android email application but I may have forgotten.

That of Gmail for example is ok but unfortunately it imposes the mode "conversation" which makes the reading of the notifications really swelling.

The only one that, at this moment, gives me satisfaction is the most cheesy namely the Samsung native email app.

If I ever found something a little more modern I would not be against it.

I have another "requirement" (in addition to the disabled conversation mode): the unread mail counter on the icon.

And at this moment (except the Samsung) can not find an app that bring together these 2 functions
- unread mail counter on the icon
- posting the notification links of the forum in clickable form

Thank you
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