What topics of forums econology have you fascinated?

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View Did67 » 22/10/15, 13:59

Indeed, difficult to answer:

a) There are threads that I am very attentive (pellet boilers, biomass, energy, photovoltaics, biomethane ...) and one that I feed (gardening without tillage ...)

b) there are some that I "flutter": often, I take a look without intervening; and there it varies every day; say, I have a penchant for what concerns the politico-economic ...

c) and there are some that I avoid: over-unitary and other "great finds" of the same ilk; all the "conspiracy" theories and other "primary anticapitalisms" ...

And there is the heading HUMOR !!! A must !!!

PS: I had not seen for the "counters" in the profile; the discovery re-motivated me with regard to my favorite thread, which is read a lot more than I thought !!!
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Re: What topics of forums econology have you fascinated?

View Grelinette » 28/02/16, 10:46

Continuing my wanderings in the mysteries of the new forum, I come across this subject ... so I dig up!

What are the topics that fascinated us?

Maybe it's up to you to tell us! and perhaps also the opportunity to develop a small, original and innovative indicator that gives us our personal interest trends.

Let me explain: it seems to me quite simple to design a mill that will count the interventions of each forumeur-econologist on all subjects and open debates on the site, and classify them by theme.

A classification by topic will already allow to give some indications on the centers of interest of each one of us.
Afterwards, you can refine the approach by counting the consultations and reading durations by themes (if this info exists).

In the end, we could have no kind of small "Barometer-Trend-Astrological" which will give an approach to our profile!
... and even better, you could also announce to several forumers that they have "econologically compatible" profiles!
(with all that implies the principle of networking and networking, the professional field ... to the relationship ... meetic, if you read me ...)

Personally, I would be curious and interested to learn that last month I was rather in the philosophical debates, whereas the month before, the technical subjects or ecolos were more successful for me, and that this month it is rather the questions of money which attract me! ... (not complicated to deduce that this month I am discovered in the bank!).

But beware ! this approach, which seems to me rather simple to conceive technically, goes into the philosophy of Google: better draw the profile of each surfer ... to better file and catalog it commercially!
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Re: What topics of forums econology have you fascinated?

View moinsdewatt » 06/06/16, 21:44

the thread '' Evolution of biological species and ... chance '

and the thread '' End of the world (for 2012), astronomy and assumptions '' locked

it's the good news of the day. :P
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Re: What topics of forums econology have you fascinated?

View Christophe » 06/06/16, 23:55

Yes :) Let's go back to new bases! :)
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Re: What topics of forums econology have you fascinated?

View Capt_Maloche » 22/05/17, 16:44

Hi guys,

In addition to the topics described by Remu
The Laigret oil and our work argued to demystify all the machines on disjoining units :D
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Re: What topics of forums econology have you fascinated?

View thibr » 07/08/21, 07:57

small question, in this period of pandemic, on the posts currently published ... on the forum
what is the percentage devoted to covid / virus / HCQ / Raoult .... :(
most of which are games of pingpong without interest, when that does not lead to insults.

fortunately there are still some discussion threads on the vegetable garden and energy which are not too polluted
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Re: What topics of forums econology have you fascinated?

View Remundo » 07/08/21, 08:08

very good question

France has completely lobotomized itself with COVID. News channels talk about it more than 90% of the time.

nothing exists besides COVID. and the forums hardly escape it.
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Re: What topics of forums econology have you fascinated?

View Janic » 07/08/21, 08:20

moreover, coarseness of language should not be confused with insults. The word con, for example, is widely used for anything "it's stupid, I forgot my umbrella "" you're stupid towards a friend " etc ...
Insults themselves are only used following multiple provocations such as after charlatan, swindler, reactionary, conspiratorial or antivaxx [*], hence other uses of the term con "pov "asshole, pov'tache"etc ... It should come as no surprise that a cigarette butt thrown into the undergrowth sets hectares of forest on fire.

[*] isn't it Thibr?
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Re: What topics of forums econology have you fascinated?

View Remundo » 07/08/21, 09:55

yes absolutely, and alone the reason can prevent humans from performing primary behaviors.

on the covid, we can see that there is no longer any reason, worse, the perversity has seized our pseudo-leaders.
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Re: What topics of forums econology have you fascinated?

View Obamot » 07/08/21, 10:01

thibr wrote:small question, in this period of pandemic, on the posts currently published ... on the forum
what is the percentage devoted to covid / virus / HCQ / Raoult .... :(
most of which are games of pingpong without interest, when that does not lead to insults.

fortunately there are still some discussion threads on the vegetable garden and energy which are not too polluted
You are still damn bloated to post this, while you yourself often behave like a big heavy troll : Cheesy:
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