What should he do Obamot?

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Alain G
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What should he do Obamot?

View Alain G » 28/01/13, 08:03

Like many others I've had enough of this fanafaron egocentric!

So lachez you!
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View Obamot » 28/01/13, 08:06

All that for this:

And especially this:
https://www.econologie.com/forums/comment-le ... 12212.html

It is really extremely perverse and incredibly evil.

Alain G, expert in "manipulation of crowds"and in censorship:
https://www.econologie.com/forums/informatio ... 11129.html

Alain G, which does not support that we have a critical look at the excesses of America ...!

Do not bother to get tired of muzzling Alain, I intend to stop contributing to this forum. You won.

I leave you with the clan of "over unity to death"(including Gégyx and Cuicui ...) and those who defend them. The" witch "hunt is on!


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Alain G
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View Alain G » 28/01/13, 08:36

In only a few minutes as you edit your message 4 time!

Who is manipulating whom?
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View Obamot » 28/01/13, 08:48

This thread contravenes the fundamental rules of the forum, on these points:

Christophe wrote:- The forums of the Econologie.com site are a public place of expression, exchange and discussion based on trust and mutual respect.

- Participants are invited to exercise their freedom of expression in respect that of others

- In accordance with generally accepted standards in society.

- All are welcome provided they agree to contribute to maintain a healthy and pleasant climate.

- You agree not to post messages abusive, Obscene, vulgar, slanderous, threatening, sexual or any other message that would violate applicable laws.

- Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your internet service provider can be informed).

The rules:

1. Posts containing hateful or defamatory in respect of opinions, Origin, ethnicity, social, religious, political, gender or sexual orientation at the location of the participants or the public will not be tolerated.
2. No free or abusive personal attacks.
3. Not "spam" or profit except advertising agreements with moderation.
4. Political, religious or ideological propaganda is not permitted. By propaganda, we mean the repetition aggressive messages aimed to convert one or more persons to the principles championed by the issuer without stimulating discussion.

Additionally, edit its text is a right.

Because of the above, and this extremely serious attack on free speech. I request the application of Article 1) of the "Rules to follow", against my attacker because of the disproportion of his act, and because he has obvious personal reasons for wanting to muzzle me. At a minimum this thread must be deleted, because it represents an unacceptable risk of escalation.

I would be entitled to file a complaint for defamation / slander, because the clause "will harmIs clearly established in this thread. It is therefore criminally prosecuted on denunciation, without the possibility of withdrawing its complaint.

It goes without saying that before such an exaggeration, the first modo to pass in this thread must lock it, otherwise it will be guilty of complicity of defamation / slander. This especially since there have been on his part, several attempts of intimidation, Alain G regularly passing off his status of simple participant in forum by setting himself up as a moralizer of thought.
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Alain G
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View Alain G » 28/01/13, 08:59

While on a text edit is a right!

Are you using well suppress language blunders to others?

And tell me what I bullied the settlement?

Are you afraid of the outcome of the vote?
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I posted 500 messages!
I posted 500 messages!
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View BobFuck » 28/01/13, 09:08

Obamot wrote:I leave you with the clan of "over unity to death"(including Gégyx and Cuicui ...) and those who defend them. The" witch "hunt is on!

If there is that need clear, IMHO, the Shadocks are first on the list ...
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View Obamot » 28/01/13, 09:09

That a vote? The campaign of intimidation and defamation Alain G continues.

Whatever opinion one may have of a person, for good or evil, right or wrong, we judge it too involved or too little does not matter! It can be expressed in ordinary way, where settlement by MP. While addressing his opinions is against the rules.

So creating an entire thread, fully dedicated to someone's slander, is an extremely serious mistake that must be sanctioned by a permanent ban. This is provided for by the regulation of forum. And I understand that it is applied.

Not understanding that has crossed the line, this is the straw that broke the camel.

At what parrait obvious from the foregoing, the action taken is by the instrumentalization of fear. There's enough of this world view based on terror and terrorism. We must get out.

Mods to assess the situation.

I leave this forum temporarily. I have a criminal complaint to file: Alain G, know that I am absolutely not afraid of you.

PS: despite this worst situation, I'm here for the exclusion of forum no one, for the simple reason that it is not for us to decide (unlike the "right to judge" that Alain G arrogates). Thank you Bob, but not even for the “shadocks” in the very name of this freedom of expression.

Why we still have arguments, convinced by the words ... Precisely what is worth me being attacked.
Last edited by Obamot the 28 / 01 / 13, 09: 33, 1 edited once.
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View Christophe » 28/01/13, 09:32

Obamot wrote:This thread contravenes the fundamental rules of the forum, on these points:

Really? Jvois not the report ... and then one on dedeleco did not seem to bother you ...
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View Obamot » 28/01/13, 09:45

Hey Hey : Cheesy: who is not amazed that you think it "normal"?

I do not see what parallel can be drawn between the two situations:

- the transgression is evident by the fact that the thread about Dedeleco, it is you who was the author. Not someone "lambda" from forum, like me. And you had specified reasons that seemed objective.

- There it is a vote, so clearly encouragement to defame / calominer someone and the opportunity to do so anonymously;

- I did not do that kind of thing - one can only disapprove of - in this forum;

- For months I tried to return DD to reason!

- would I have flooded the forum hundreds of links on a site which nothing proves to date, the actual results of the energy balance.

- in this case, it is a participant of the forum who set himself up as a vigilante and censor beyond the very authority of forum represented by the moderators.

- This is an extremely vile process.

Now if you want me to leave this forum say it.

PS: As we are in the witch hunt when the son:

Poll for or against the ban Janic because he is VG and defends his idea?

Poll for or against the ban Ahmed, Chatelot Sen-No-Sen Lejustemilieu, because you do not agree with their opinions?

Poll for or against the ban of Gégyx, Quartz, etc Cuicui because he defend energy surunitaire?

Poll for or against the ban of those who make spelling mistakes?

Poll for or against the ban those who have religious opinions ...?

Poll for or against the ban those who dare to speak of esotericism and initiation?

Poll for or against the ban those who defend the views of the right or left (matter)?

Poll for or against the ban those who defend the money / debt paradigm.

Poll for or against the ban of those who denounce the scandal of systemic crises? `

etc ... : Shock:
Last edited by Obamot the 28 / 01 / 13, 09: 57, 1 edited once.
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Alain G
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View Alain G » 28/01/13, 09:56

Obamot wrote:Hey Hey : Cheesy: who is not amazed that you think it "normal"?

I do not see what parallel can be drawn between the two situations:

- the transgression is evident by the fact that the thread about Dedeleco, it is you who was the author. Not someone "lambda" from forum, like me. And you had specified reasons that seemed objective.

- There it is a vote, so clearly encouragement to defame / calominer someone and the opportunity to do so anonymously;

- I didn't do that kind of thing in this forum;

- For months I tried to return DD to reason!

- would I have flooded the forum hundreds of links on a site which nothing proves to date, the actual results of the energy balance.

- in this case, it is a participant of the forum who set himself up as a vigilante and censor beyond the very authority of forum represented by the moderators.

- This is an extremely vile process.

Now if you want me to leave this forum say it.

It is your problem Obamot!

When you can have the last word you share a mockery to all those who contradict you, for having searched on you a little on the net or you is the author of several reviews on many media and I have to wonder it remains as you social life apart from the canvas?

I never mentioned that I believed in the over-unity but we try to pretend that I am a supporter while I defended precisely the right word that you proudly displays now that you're forced to do!

How many members will desert this forum before you see the harm you bring?
Last edited by Alain G the 28 / 01 / 13, 09: 57, 1 edited once.
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