Problem with email Wanadoo and Orange Free

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Problem with email Wanadoo and Orange Free

View Christophe » 28/06/07, 12:10

Received this morning, if you have an email @free @ or @ you risk not receiving (or with a lot of delay) emails from the site:

There are 2 new problems since the beginning of this week:

- After Free, Orange / wanadoo has blocked port 25 since
morning for all ADSL customers who do not have an IP
fixed. It’s a great measure to limit
spam generated through hacked or stolen Windows workstations.
To send emails, you must:
- If you are using port 25, authenticate upwind
the orange SMTP server which will resend your email
en suite.
- If you want to use the ovh SMTP server, you must use port 587
just put instead of Operation remains unchanged.

- Since Monday morning, Free limits the number of emails sent by
minute from an SMTP server (an ip) or they changed
configuration in persistent access to their servers
SMTP. If you have a dedicated server, you may experience
problems with The error message is:
> 421_Server_busy, _too_many_connections_from_your_IP
In terms of shared hosting, if you send a
mailing list, or emails to (a redirect
for example), these emails may be 24 hours late. In
indeed, emails to are grouped on a server
who has to wait for the free SMTP server to please
accept emails. It takes up to 24 hours (basically,
emails leave after 22pm when the SMTP server opposite
breathe a little).

0 x

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