curious and unusual objects

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Re: Curious and Unusual Objects

by Grelinette » 21/06/21, 13:58

Another curious object, moreover found not far from the old well: a rather rustic lead ball about 2,5 cm in diameter.
(The musketeer D'Artagnan could probably tell us more about this curious object ...)
lead ball.jpg
ball of lead.jpg (42.23 KiB) Viewed 4265 times
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Re: Curious and Unusual Objects

by GuyGadeboisTheBack » 21/06/21, 14:00

Perhaps a fishing sinker whose holes have become clogged with corrosion.
Otherwise a Biscaians for a 12 pound barrel ...
Biscaïens.JPG (37.85 KiB) Viewed 4250 times ... -biscaaens
Last edited by GuyGadeboisTheBack the 21 / 06 / 21, 14: 04, 1 edited once.
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Re: Curious and Unusual Objects

by Macro » 21/06/21, 14:03

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Re: Curious and Unusual Objects

by Grelinette » 21/06/21, 14:33

I also think it's a musket or arquebus ball.
This is why I wrote that D'Artagnan could have told us more about this lead ball because he died of a musket ball received in the back!

We know that there were many religious wars in the area, especially against the Vaudois, the Protestants in Provence in the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries who were massacred in conditions of inhuman cruelty. Ha ... religious disagreements !!! ...

Besides the well of which I published photos undoubtedly dates back to this time and could have been made by the Vaudois to hide when they were persecuted.
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Re: Curious and Unusual Objects

by oli 80 » 30/10/21, 17:50

Hi everybody,

Here is a balloon that I had when I was a kid

a fabric bag with a small opening to insert a balloon and inflate it inside
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Re: Curious and Unusual Objects

by GuyGadeboisTheBack » 22/03/24, 00:55

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