Objects to invent!

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Re: Items to be invented!

View Forhorse » 10/02/24, 16:44

On the last video the input and output of the pump which supposedly acts as a compressor are reversed compared to what they should be on a functional circuit.
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Re: Items to be invented!

View Christophe » 10/02/24, 17:41

How do they make the evaporator freeze up then? With a reverse hair dryer? : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen:
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Re: Items to be invented!

View oli 80 » 10/02/24, 18:27

These are the 3 videos from 3 different YouTube channels,
the assemblies are very similar plus they are all recent
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Re: Items to be invented!

View Petrus » 10/02/24, 18:42

I haven't watched the videos, I don't want to waste time with fake videos. I think the cold is just produced by the evaporation of the gas in the atmosphere, the thing can work once but that's it then you have to recharge.
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Re: Items to be invented!

View phil59 » 10/02/24, 21:41

Once, on an LPG car, old, very old, and with poor starting, I had the vapor freeze on the surface.... (I only started with LPG, no more fuel pump ).
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hmmmmm, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm, huh, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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Re: Items to be invented!

View Forhorse » 10/02/24, 22:40

Christophe wrote:How do they make the evaporator freeze up then? With a reverse hair dryer? : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen:

Not complicated to have a little hidden pipe (the joys of video editing) to bring in a little gas which evaporates (no need to look for a complicated/rare gas, butane does the trick)
It's on the same level as the "free energy" videos which show that if you drive an alternator with a motor and you loop the electrical circuit then it produces infinite energy...
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