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View chatelot16 » 14/12/15, 12:13

I dream of a function that would facilitate moderation:

there is a lot of clutter that we might want to delete to leave the forum more pleasant ... but we can not delete because it still has some useful content

it should therefore a function to hide unpleasant answer, without erasing them entirely: it would appear as a single line between the other message, and it should click it to bring up the full

the moderator could not only hide the unwanted message, but put entirely in hidden mode all messages from a member who becomes painful: it would be as bad as the complete banishment: it permetrait not lose interressannt content but show that repeat and insult is not the right way to be read

troller would be the best way to be put in the user group to which all messges are hidden!

another useful idea is to restore the possibility of editing the old messages to correct the mistakes of the spelling ... but give this privilege only to the serious members, who are fortunately a large number

the polemeiste who publish their messages columbine not to correct but to better horthographe polemic edition will be in the user group banned
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View Christophe » 14/12/15, 12:22

Yes chatelot, this could be an additional function of the "vote" function of a response (which will be implemented) because you cannot ask moderation to make this decision: it is subjective (except of course the trolls or delusions as plasmanu told us recently ... but in this case it's pure and simple deletion)

For example after 10 negative votes, the answer becomes more "discreet".
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View Obamot » 14/12/15, 12:59

Alas, I fear that the measure is counterproductive. I approve of in the sense that it would avoid an escalation of violence in the context, but there are a lot of very nasty guys who would soon return this provision to their advantage (eg by voting more against someone to censor) ...

Or he would not be able to vote on people already sanctioned, with a time limit penalties. But it gets complicated.

Another simpler way, and I had already suggested it, would be for the recalcitrant themselves to choose the nature or the duration of their "sentence / sanction" to which they would submit voluntarily: commit to only posting once a day, no more than 200 words or whatever (or failing that would be subject to a variable fridge duration). Because we often face us incorrigible brats (of all ages) who are in bad faith filth, and that would give them a good opportunity to become aware of their acts. If they don't accept then they are fired. This makes it possible not to make those who want to “repent” feel an arbitrary position. So it's not too cowardly : Mrgreen:
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View Christophe » 14/12/15, 13:02

Yes not easy to find "the happy medium" ... in the vast subtleties of web 2.0 which are the door open to more or less advanced intellectual scams ...

It's not for nothing that FB refuses to make a "I don't like" button! So on FB even when you find a disgusting info ... you have to click on "I like" ... big nonsense :)
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View chatelot16 » 14/12/15, 13:14

request to vote to hide messages blah ... for me the vote of no great value, not because it is has many be wrong because he had

moderator for it would be very easy to be able to answer all hidden from a user who abuses: it is less radical than the banishment because the hidden message remains visible for one who clicked

and those who have the habit of making long post to repeat the meme thing understand that if they want to stop being hidden are moderate themselves

I thought about this a while ago when I saw the too severe moderation of futura science: interresting messages are completely erased: we only see them if we watch the subject before erasing ... I find that the setting in hidden mode would be more nice ... remains to know if the new forum gives the posibility
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View Christophe » 14/12/15, 13:29

Yes I therefore understand "heavy" messages to be hidden by the moderators ...

With the possibility of notification of moderators by all users (because moderation can not be everywhere ...)
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View chatelot16 » 14/12/15, 13:38

in a boat must know who the captain is a director and mederateur designed by the administrator to do the job

a tool such as placing in the "hidden" group is rather an ease than an obligation of additional work ... since it is less serious than banishment, it is easier ... even in the event of abusive moderation. reader can click on the hidden message to view them

it just makes it forum more enjoyable for new readers that should not be rejected by polemics that only certain apprecient
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View dedeleco » 14/12/15, 16:59

Everything is about point of view, mentalities, past experiences, educations, knowledge, very variable!

For useful subjects, it would be useful to make simple summaries, Clear, references, with plans, tables of matter, unfolding with hypertext links, giving the details, without polemics on too many technical or scientific nonsense, Peppering posts too, to absurd repetitions, sometimes 5ans, dismantle ever !!

But this is a Wholesale thankless jobWhose form may vary, so some who did not understand the misinterpretation write these useful subjects, repeating the nonsense that it is nevertheless sometimes useful to explain.

On the other hand sales of equipment could have a unique business with a real help to its use after purchase, adapted to the goals of the buyer?

Example, for Arduino, provide with editing and functional program immediately usable for a project, would make buy by those frightened by the difficulty of learning what it totally ignores.
From a functional system from the start is more motivating, to gradually discover its accessible operation.

Example: programmer with clock controlling relays and motors, measuring T or voltages, functional immediately Allowing its operation to learn to change the following program requirements.
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View Obamot » 14/12/15, 17:21

[Flytox Moderation]
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View Gaston » 14/12/15, 17:43

Taking into account the evolution of some posters, the possibility for each to manage a list of "ignored" users whose messages we do not want to read (and who are hidden by default when we open a discussion thread).
I think it exists in phpbb (list of friends and ignored) :?:
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