Listing of trolls from forum and monitoring of sanctions
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Listing of trolls from forum and monitoring of sanctions
Everything is in the title...
The current coronavirus crisis highlights rather vicious behavior on the part of some members of the forums, even some old members ... I am thinking of reversals, allegiance to power and official versions, demeaning of all the other "versions", attacks or gratuitous ideas, disinformation, lack of reaction and of debate to facts that bother them that other members have put before their eyes ...
Donc ... I would like to make a list of the "twisted" elements of forums!
The question is therefore simple: according to you, which poses a problem for the democratic expression of this forum and the quality of the exchanges?
Yes, the Corona will also make victims here!
1) simple
His profile: sicetaitsimple-u19360 /
Its message history: sicetaitsimple-u19360 / posts /
2) guygadebois
His profile: guygadebois-u22272 /
Its message history: guygadebois-u22272 / posts /
3) abc2019
His profile: abc2019-u22590 /
Its message history: abc2019-u22590 / posts /
ps: like all mods, I have an immunity card! For those who thought they could eject me!
The current coronavirus crisis highlights rather vicious behavior on the part of some members of the forums, even some old members ... I am thinking of reversals, allegiance to power and official versions, demeaning of all the other "versions", attacks or gratuitous ideas, disinformation, lack of reaction and of debate to facts that bother them that other members have put before their eyes ...
Donc ... I would like to make a list of the "twisted" elements of forums!
The question is therefore simple: according to you, which poses a problem for the democratic expression of this forum and the quality of the exchanges?
Yes, the Corona will also make victims here!
1) simple
His profile: sicetaitsimple-u19360 /
Its message history: sicetaitsimple-u19360 / posts /
2) guygadebois
His profile: guygadebois-u22272 /
Its message history: guygadebois-u22272 / posts /
3) abc2019
His profile: abc2019-u22590 /
Its message history: abc2019-u22590 / posts /
ps: like all mods, I have an immunity card! For those who thought they could eject me!
2 x
Do a image search or an text search - Netiquette of forum
Re: Listing of trolls from forum
personally, I'm just against this kind of list. People are great, they are free to choose who they read or not or to whom they respond. But hey, I'm new to the forum, my opinion does not have much weight .
0 x
To pass for an idiot in the eyes of a fool is a gourmet pleasure. (Georges COURTELINE)
Mééé denies nui went to parties with 200 people and was not even sick moiiiiiii (Guignol des bois)
Mééé denies nui went to parties with 200 people and was not even sick moiiiiiii (Guignol des bois)
- Moderator
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- Registration: 10/02/03, 14:06
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Re: Listing of trolls from forum
And you think I like using these kinds of methods? Certainly not !
But for the sake of freedom of expression, the debate of ideas and even the expression of democracy after a while, these kinds of measures must be taken ...
In real life there are prisons ...
But for the sake of freedom of expression, the debate of ideas and even the expression of democracy after a while, these kinds of measures must be taken ...
In real life there are prisons ...
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Do a image search or an text search - Netiquette of forum
- GuyGadebois
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Re: Listing of trolls from forum
The first who felt targeted and who answered this topic?
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“It is better to mobilize your intelligence on bullshit than to mobilize your bullshit on intelligent things. (J.Rouxel)
"By definition the cause is the product of the effect". (Tryphion)
"360 / 000 / 0,5 is 100 million and not 72 million" (AVC)
"By definition the cause is the product of the effect". (Tryphion)
"360 / 000 / 0,5 is 100 million and not 72 million" (AVC)
Re: Listing of trolls from forum
The delation returns to fashion ...
Come on, I want to proclaim myself a troll ...
Come on, I want to proclaim myself a troll ...
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Take revenge with your success. punished with your absence. Kill with your silence. Win with your joy of living
- GuyGadebois
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Re: Listing of trolls from forum
Macro wrote:The delation returns to fashion ...
Except that in this specific case where everything is public, there is no denunciation.
0 x
“It is better to mobilize your intelligence on bullshit than to mobilize your bullshit on intelligent things. (J.Rouxel)
"By definition the cause is the product of the effect". (Tryphion)
"360 / 000 / 0,5 is 100 million and not 72 million" (AVC)
"By definition the cause is the product of the effect". (Tryphion)
"360 / 000 / 0,5 is 100 million and not 72 million" (AVC)
- Moderator
- posts: 79760
- Registration: 10/02/03, 14:06
- Location: Greenhouse planet
- x 11259
Re: Listing of trolls from forum
It's nothing deleterious Macro !!
It's a democratic listing ...
It's a democratic listing ...
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Do a image search or an text search - Netiquette of forum
Re: Listing of trolls from forum
It is true that there is a lot (too much?) of coronavirus / covid-19 subject on the forum...
who can troll them to open so many?
who can troll them to open so many?
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- Econologue expert
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Re: Listing of trolls from forum
Christophe wrote:Yes, the Corona will also make victims here!
You are a big boy it seems to me?
And so you don't need to convene a "people's court" to appoint in your place those whose expression you dislike.
You simply banish them, why bother and seek refuge behind opinions that are only the result of possible personal animosities?
Go ahead, pruning in the behaviors you consider villainous.
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- wirbelwind262
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