Internet explorer vista 7 + = problem with the shop?

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Internet explorer vista 7 + = problem with the shop?

View Christophe » 26/02/07, 16:05

High class! I have just been told of a compatibility problem between the shop and the latest shit from microsoft, I mentioned: Internet Explorer 7 (+ Vista).

IE 7 cannot keep the basket with the original settings... would microsoft engineers be paid too well to make such incompatibilities?

To solve the thing, only one solution: use FireFox which here is the official download link:

In addition those who are still in IE will appreciate the much faster page display system of FF.

Sorry about this incident.
Last edited by Christophe the 26 / 02 / 07, 19: 26, 1 edited once.
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View Christophe » 26/02/07, 16:32

Uh ...Would there be a generous soul to test "filling the basket with IE 7"?

We are "still" under windows 2000 and IE 7 cannot be installed under 2000 (another nice joke from krosoft) ...

Thank you :)
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View Targol » 26/02/07, 17:55

I wanted to help you, but this is what happened:
I just spent 1 / 2h waiting for the IE7 download to finish.
Once finished, I run the installer "IE7-WindowsXP-x86-from.exe "on my PC which runs under XP pro (sp2-fr) ​​and this M ... E answers me:
install it all rotten from IE7 wrote:This installation does not support the language of your operating system

Maybe if I had downloaded IE7 in Russian, it would have worked. In any case, it reinforces my idea that Firefox is better.

By cons, suddenly, I can not test the store. Sorry : Cry:
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View delnoram » 26/02/07, 18:57

Targol wrote:I wanted to help you, but this is what happened:
I just spent 1 / 2h waiting for the IE7 download to finish.
Once finished, I run the installer "IE7-WindowsXP-x86-from.exe "on my PC which runs under XP pro (sp2-fr) ​​and this M ... E answers me:
install it all rotten from IE7 wrote:This installation does not support the language of your operating system

Maybe if I had downloaded IE7 in Russian, it would have worked. In any case, it reinforces my idea that Firefox is better.

By cons, suddenly, I can not test the store. Sorry : Cry:

: Shock: Sorry targol, but I installed it for about 3 weeks and No problem.
and not with the store either
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View Christophe » 26/02/07, 19:25

Thank you Targol for trying to test but your problem reinforces the idea that IE7 is not really developed ...

Delnoram (thank you very much) tested on his side ... apparently he did not encounter any problem ... Could this be a problem related to IE7 AND Vista? :?:
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View I Citro » 26/02/07, 22:41

8) IE7 :?: Vista :?:
I don't even want to know.
That's pretty shit at work, so at home, it's mandriva and mozilla ...

As Christophe has just pointed out, Mozilla runs very well under windaube. : Lol:
Vista, has just been released, we have known for a long time that their new products are to be avoided ... (like the last renault or pigeot) it is always full of bugs ...
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View elephant » 26/02/07, 23:14

it is well known that vista has no other objective than ensuring income for Microsoft! and increase our dependence.

Firefox! Firefox! Firefox!
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View Christophe » 02/03/07, 10:28

Here about Vista, here is what Zac and Maloche sent me:

Subject: The perversity of Windows Vista.

Windows Vista, the latest operating system from Microsoft, is crammed with copy protection and content blocking systems following pressure from certain companies such as the MPAA, RAA or SGAE and under the pretext of fighting piracy. These systems are integrated into the basic programming of the system which makes them very difficult to remove or bypass.
The result is that if you install Windows Vista or if you buy a PC with Windows Vista already installed, you can no longer watch or record videos or listen to or record music downloaded from the Internet.
The worst part is that, in many cases, you will not be able to do it even if you have legally purchased the content, because the integrated DRM (copyright protection system) does not does not allow, for example, that you can record a song or DVD (legally purchased) to your MP3, nor that you can record a selection of songs (legally purchased) for your car's CD. And often, you will not even be able to save a movie, (legally purchased), on your computer or on any media other than a specific burner authorized by Microsoft and the content manufacturers. If you try to do so, the recording is of poor quality or simply impossible.
The only sure solution to fight against this abuse is not to install Windows Vista and to refuse any PC that we will try to sell you with Windows Vista preinstalled. Continue to use your Windows XP or consider switching to a "free" operating system like Linux.

Please circulate this info. It is possible that if Microsoft realizes that there is no way to sell Windows Vista because of this scandalous provision, they will think twice.

Kk1 can confirm? It seems very big anyway ...
: Shock:
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View Targol » 02/03/07, 11:12

I think that this email, although based on real elements, voluntarily enlarges the line to discredit this OS.

Let’s get on well. I am not a fervent defender of Microsoft and even less of the economic model that it represents but hey, if we want to remain credible, we must qualify this kind of anti M $ propaganda.

The reality is, that Vista does incorporate a number of features aimed at securing copyright in video and audio streams.
However, sometimes, if these features protect the works well (and the financial interests of their publishing houses), they can be the cause of inconvenience for the user (incompatibility of the different DRM between them, limited use, .... ).

But the audio / video protection functions of Vista do not go as far as the impossibility of reading or storage and, moreover, they cannot function without a compatible hardware. For more information, see this Clubic News

On the other hand, there is something sure, it is that on a given machine, Vista is slower than XP for most tasks - See the test - and, again to the disadvantage of Vista, a journalist specializing in IT who had nothing to do to test the productivity of this OS compared to Mac OSX and XP and, again, Vista is worse
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View delnoram » 14/04/07, 01:33

Christophe wrote:Uh ...Would there be a generous soul to test "filling the basket with IE 7"?

Well here it is done with VISTA Home Premium + IE7.0.6000.16386

A basket of 20 items and everything went well, no worries.

So the mystery remains.
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