Internet explorer vista 7 + = problem with the shop?

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View pollux » 14/04/07, 08:02

I tried to install vista on my pc at school (our bahut bought a student license and forced us to "upgrade" our disks in order to be trained on up-to-date computer tools), and, in addition to the the fact of putting the network and the pc flat, and my nerves in a ball, this trick prevents to use the software CATIA, NASTRAN-PATRAN, Fluent, Matlab 6 (software essential for our studies), the net works badly (I ' have not tried the econology store, but I had the problem described here on another store ...
our school has been reimbursed for its license, and as for me, my opinion is made: Vista = CACAAAAAAA !!!
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View delnoram » 14/04/07, 11:34

Pollux wrote:I tried to install vista on my pc at school, e the net works badly (I did not try the econology shop, but I had the problem described here on another shop ...

It could be a question of version of vista, which one did you mount?
Or more simply a level of "confidentiality" a little too high (cookies more or less blocked) or memory cache a little too low.
In short, in the gas factories that are the Operating Systems there is something to lose, this is the reason why I stayed on Millenium while everyone around me went to XP and the problems that go with all new SE.
But it only lasts a while, we end up quickly with an interesting program that only works on the last OS released : Evil:
This is why I will continue to test VISTA, while keeping on hand a hard disk with XP and a USB key with Mandriva Flash :D
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