Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

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Who should stay?

None of the 2, they definitely give off! Fed up!
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View Christophe » 14/03/24, 19:25

Well, after not even 2 days of voting, we are heading towards an African-style score... : Mrgreen:

Who read believed on a forum of so-called "fascists" : Mrgreen:
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 14/03/24, 19:53

Better than Putin, without campaigning! I had a good lawyer, it must be said, and I always had confidence in the justice of my country... : Cheesy:
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View gfgh64 » 14/03/24, 20:31

It's a big thing and it's a big thing : Lol:
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View A.D. 44 » 14/03/24, 20:39

Christophe wrote:IMG_1464.jpeg

Ah nooooo!!! Please!!! Pliiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzz

Don't involve Christopher Walken in this!!!!

Hands off!!!

Leave him out of this...!
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View sicetaitsimple » 14/03/24, 21:58

Well, apart from the fact, very positive in my opinion, that Obamot will have (perhaps?) realized that the majority of those registered on econologie find it particularly painful and that this will make him (perhaps?) less arrogant in his judgments, positions taken, and ways of “dialogue”, what’s next?
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 14/03/24, 22:13

sicetaitsimple wrote:Well, apart from the fact, very positive in my opinion, that Obamot will have (perhaps?) realized that the majority of those registered on econologie find it particularly painful and that this will make him (perhaps?) less arrogant in his judgments, positions taken, and ways of “dialogue”, what’s next?

If we believe Christophe, who liked:
bistro/guy-vs-obamot-les-maillons-faibles-du-forum-who-must-stay-t17640.html#p549831 :?:
Last edited by GuyGadeboisTheBack the 14 / 03 / 24, 22: 13, 1 edited once.
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View gegyx » 14/03/24, 22:13

Tomorrow is Friday...
: roll:
429761555_1063112468260972_431891427963008289_n.jpg (62.07 KB) Viewed times 340
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View pedrodelavega » 14/03/24, 22:18

sicetaitsimple wrote:Well, apart from the fact, very positive in my opinion, that Obamot will have (perhaps?) realized that the majority of those registered on econologie find it particularly painful and that this will make him (perhaps?) less arrogant in his judgments, positions taken, and ways of “dialogue”, what’s next?

No need for more.

What raises the question is:
While on almost all subjects, the debates are divisive with 2 clearly defined "camps" (which is normal),
concerning a position taken between 2 speakers, the verdict is also mostly decided in favor of one (while moderation rather puts the ball back in the center)
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 14/03/24, 23:08

Remundo wrote:ah ah ah ah Guy is healthy... : Mrgreen:

as healthy as the DeLaVega spelling. <<< Shabby, larval gall, bursting with helplessness.

Yes, I am a saint sauroctonus. : Cheesy:
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 14/03/24, 23:14

GuyGadeboisLeRetour wrote:
pedrodelavega wrote:
sicetaitsimple wrote:Well, apart from the fact, very positive in my opinion, that Obamot will have (perhaps?) realized that the majority of those registered on econologie find it particularly painful and that this will make him (perhaps?) less arrogant in his judgments, positions taken, and ways of “dialogue”, what’s next?

No need for more.

What raises the question is:
While on almost all subjects, the debates are divisive with 2 clearly defined "camps" (which is normal),
concerning a position taken between 2 speakers, the verdict is also mostly decided in favor of one (while moderation rather puts the ball back in the center)

What is "less normal" is that the board uses the same "resources" as the Other* to disqualify a speaker, using, throwing, rushing, even subsequently on the bone to gnaw that he had sent them to pasture. No doubt, but please correct me if I'm deluding myself, for the sake of appeasement and a thirst (without alcohol) for dialogue... : Wink:

Whereas if (in fact), following the gratuitous provocation, I had indeed written that I was in possession of a first batch Calvados**, I had not said that I was drinking it then, which was not the case... : Cheesy:

* bistro/guy-vs-obamot-les-maillons-faibles-du-forum-who-must-stay-t17640-20.html#p549863
** bistro/guy-vs-obamot-les-maillons-faibles-du-forum-who-must-stay-t17640-20.html#p549866
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