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View abyssin3 » 12/07/06, 17:30

But it would be nice if it stays in an econological perspective. Because otherwise sites of PA abound already on the net, and it blacked the PA really econological.
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View Christophe » 12/07/06, 17:36

abyssin3 wrote:I think it's a good idea, it could allow some things to happen.
On the other hand, for the sale of oil, olio already does it wonderfully with its oliostations. Tested and approved ...

Yes but better 2 times the info only one no? Especially on the net ...
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Location: Greenhouse planet
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View Christophe » 12/07/06, 17:37

abyssin3 wrote:But it would be nice if it stays in an econological perspective. Because otherwise sites of PA abound already on the net, and it blacked the PA really econological.

Ben do ... and that's why I asked you for topics ideas ... 8)
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