on another forum also in phpbb I see a mode of operation that I will find interesting to use also on econology
when we want to post a message, if another message was posted while we were writing, the message is not posted the first time: we first see the new message (s): we can therefore modify our message to keep account of what was said ... or outright cancel it if it became useless
ce forum is really the best organized of all I see
I have never been a moderator of forum phpbb, so don't know exactly how to set up this kind of function ... but it will be easy to ask advice from the moderator of machining.com
I just thought about it when I saw that
Did67 wrote:On this error, which is purely a "handling error" - I still don't know what I did technically wrong - I wrote this on the thread in question:
[i] [color = blue]
2) What happened:
- I answered macro without quoting, by taking again some points (not all)
- I post
- I notice that someone had put in message in the meantime
- I re-edit, because suddenly it was incomprehensible, to add something like "I am responding to the macro post above" (implied not to the one who had just posted in the meantime)
this system which does not post the first time when there was another response is really practical on usinage.com and avoids message crossing