Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

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Who should stay?

None of the 2, they definitely give off! Fed up!
Total votes: 41
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View sicetaitsimple » 19/03/24, 17:55

Christophe wrote:I still hold a little grudge against Did67, who was offended by certain comments that were too much for his "estremdrouate" taste...he simply forgot that without this forum, the lazy man's vegetable garden (and his books with it) might never have seen the light of day. I don't hold grudges but wasn't a very smart behavior...

Conversely, the presence of Didier on the main thread the "lazy person's vegetable garden" and the multitude of "satellite" threads devoted to the vegetable garden in general has drawn traffic for several years that I think is significant on Econologie.
A ball everywhere in the center?
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View Christophe » 19/03/24, 18:56

If you say so...not sure the scales are fair!

Who went on TV and was 1st on Amazon in book sales thanks, at least indirectly, to this forum ?

Well, too bad for him, apparently his new forum "vegetable"...
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View sicetaitsimple » 19/03/24, 20:17

Christophe wrote:Well, too bad for him, apparently his new forum "vegetable"...

I take a look at it from time to time. At least it stays focused on the subject and we don't argue about it....As before on Econologie.
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View Obamot » 28/04/24, 15:49

GuyGadeboisLeRetour wrote:
gegyx wrote:Moulin rouge ungariled...

Demonic action => the near future is going to be bloody

And yours between four walls of an insane asylum?

bistro / humor-t1191-17130.html # p551557
I'm not reporting, everyone understands?

After Janic, me, now Remundo (who keeps getting insulted) then Gegyx… Who's next…?

But let’s get back to the deception of this pseudo survey…

First of all, there is a nice slip of the tongue in the header which is worth its weight in magarine:
- “Guy VS Obamot" (and not Obamot VS Guy, at least that’s clear…)

The narrative is to eliminate "the weakest link" (Whoever can understand what this represents on a “human” level, it’s frankly shocking, but spontaneously demonstrates that it is the “greatness of soul” of its editor! (Damn, I just vomited).

Then the suspicions of rigging (which are no longer there statistically, apart from the fact that the moribund participation has collapsed a little further) let's take a look at the figures of this “set-up”…

Here are those who participated in this pseudo-survey by posting comments (roughly speaking, regular participants):

Re 44
Gfgh64 (probable false nose)

Among these 9 people, there are about half who are quite favorable to me (judging by their positions/likes, and others) there are not the two main interested parties (me 2 posts, “the Other” 25 posts…) me who did not influence the debates, while the other revealed elements of the deception even though he had “gone” and should have “caught it”… with a minimum of humility and respect. But no, : Mrgreen: we royally let him say whatever he wanted... without firing him... And he continues... and even sends the new participants to other forums competitors… LOL. And this even though he regularly insults moderation (mainly Remundo, I am that from an absent-minded behind…)

Like many, I was wondering where these 29 “excess” votes pulled out of a hat could come from, up to ten would already be enormous but 40 in all, LoooooooooooooL :D : Idea: WHO(?) if it would not be these “famous fake nose accounts” mentioned not by me but by Remundo and who would have voted several times. Who(?) if not an ace in computing and concealment by VPN? Who(?) if not the one who lies to you regularly while looking you straight in the eye?

Basically we all took you for immature nawaks incapable of thinking for yourself. : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: +
0 x
“Evil” carries within itself its own condemnation”

List of alleged fake noses in “ignored”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour, alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc.
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View Remundo » 28/04/24, 18:29

You're both lucky, you're still here.

Guy is now a little more moderate, Obamot has decided to reduce the number of his messages.

Well, it's livable, let's not restart the infernal machine... : roll:
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View A.D. 44 » 28/04/24, 21:21

Obamot wrote:
GuyGadeboisLeRetour wrote:
gegyx wrote:Moulin rouge ungariled...

Demonic action => the near future is going to be bloody

And yours between four walls of an insane asylum?

bistro / humor-t1191-17130.html # p551557
I'm not reporting, everyone understands?

After Janic, me, now Remundo (who keeps getting insulted) then Gegyx… Who's next…?

But let’s get back to the deception of this pseudo survey…

First of all, there is a nice slip of the tongue in the header which is worth its weight in magarine:
- “Guy VS Obamot" (and not Obamot VS Guy, at least that’s clear…)

The narrative is to eliminate "the weakest link" (Whoever can understand what this represents on a “human” level, it’s frankly shocking, but spontaneously demonstrates that it is the “greatness of soul” of its editor! (Damn, I just vomited).

Then the suspicions of rigging (which are no longer there statistically, apart from the fact that the moribund participation has collapsed a little further) let's take a look at the figures of this “set-up”…

Here are those who participated in this pseudo-survey by posting comments (roughly speaking, regular participants):

Re 44
Gfgh64 (probable false nose)

Among these 9 people, there are about half who are quite favorable to me (judging by their positions/likes, and others) there are not the two main interested parties (me 2 posts, “the Other” 25 posts…) me who did not influence the debates, while the other revealed elements of the deception even though he had “gone” and should have “caught it”… with a minimum of humility and respect. But no, : Mrgreen: we royally let him say whatever he wanted... without firing him... And he continues... and even sends the new participants to other forums competitors… LOL. And this even though he regularly insults moderation (mainly Remundo, I am that from an absent-minded behind…)

Like many, I was wondering where these 29 “excess” votes pulled out of a hat could come from, up to ten would already be enormous but 40 in all, LoooooooooooooL :D : Idea: WHO(?) if it would not be these “famous fake nose accounts” mentioned not by me but by Remundo and who would have voted several times. Who(?) if not an ace in computing and concealment by VPN? Who(?) if not the one who lies to you regularly while looking you straight in the eye?

Basically we all took you for immature nawaks incapable of thinking for yourself. : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: +

You have a clue, man!!!

I don't love you, that's clear. And if I had to vote, it wouldn't have been in your favor.

But there you go...I haven't voted anything, nor surveyed anything here...Too bad my guy.

So, don't mention me, leave me alone and it will go well.

Come on...ciao Moderate.
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Re: Guy VS Obamot, the weak links of forum, who should stay?

View Remundo » 28/04/24, 22:51

I lock, sleep well.
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