Opinion and test Hydrogen HHO kit feedback experience?

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View francklompa » 01/09/10, 21:27

well misted water is enough?
Do you have to mess around with an electric garden fogger?
nothing proves that misting in the air intake in efficient, always that the qty is very low in ml per hour .. please develop?
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View Christophe » 01/09/10, 21:43

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View francklompa » 02/09/10, 01:35

Pantone system, water doping I already know!

You talk about fogger, there is a guy who hacked this by taking an electric fogger garden steam flow ml per hour, it proves nothing, given the low flow of steam. I had already seen in this forum.

By cons pantone system or hho, there are millions of people in the world who have used it.
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View gildas » 02/09/10, 18:51

francklompa wrote:
By cons pantone system or hho, there are millions of people in the world who have used it.


Can you put some links, please?

Quanthomme et Econologie I know ...
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View Flytox » 02/09/10, 19:48

Hello francklompa

francklompa wrote:By cons pantone or hho system, there are million of people in the world who have used it.

I think dividing by at least 100 or even 1000 your millions of people would be closer to the truth ... : Mrgreen:
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View francklompa » 03/09/10, 00:18

go learn english already it will be better for you lol
read the forums americans and english sites, nasa also, there is only ca on hho

I am sure that you are one of the people who believe that the Chernobyl cloud has stopped at the borders of France lol

ecology expert lol ????????????
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Re: hho

View Flytox » 03/09/10, 18:48

francklompa wrote:go learn english already it will be better for you lol
read the forums americans and english sites, nasa also, there is only ca on hho

I am sure that you are one of the people who believe that the Chernobyl cloud has stopped at the borders of France lol

ecology expert lol ????????????

Indeed, I don't have time to read all this beautiful prose, but you who read it diligently, you can easily show us by adding a few well-chosen links for example, how you could estimate that "millions of people in the world have used it "...... : Mrgreen:
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View francklompa » 06/09/10, 00:26

when the engine is hot 89degree! I did the test turn off the HHO kit, at idle the tower counter goes up a bit because the electrolysis consumes electricity!

When I turn on the HHO kit, the lap counter goes down a bit, the kit slows down the alternator so the engine! that's why I doubt the effectiveness of the HHO dry cell!

To influence the engine I think that at least 5 to 10 liters of gas must be produced per minute! current dry cell kits produce barely 2 liters per minute of gas for a consumption of 24 AMPers
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Hho gas generator

View david97240 » 14/09/10, 23:04

hello I came across your site by chance and I see that you don't believe in hho !! I make my own dry cell myself and frankly I see reeel fuel economy. my record c 39% on a full with my 405 on the 406 I have not calculated may c blatantly it changes. I have some video on youtube. research david97240 8)
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View francklompa » 15/09/10, 01:35

hello bring proof and don't say i save 39% fuel without proof!
I put HHO dry cell 21 plates or 1 to 2 liters of gas per minute 25amp I do not really feel the difference!
I don't know if you noticed, but HHO produces it costs 25amp to 35amp electricity when the water is hot! But it slows down the alternator thus the engine! what you gain in gas, you lose it by slowing down the engine!
In addition I fear for the life of my alternator including contact carbon

unless you add a 2nd battery o :)))
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